Notes: Presentation Notes PDF
Before we start with Jeff here, let’s have a word of prayer and then we’ll turn the meeting over to him.
Father in heaven, we thank you once again for bringing us through another week and we thank you for the Sabbath day. Lord. We just thank you for Jesus. Thank you that we have the opportunity to all come together. And Lord, that we’d be blessed by a message from on high. We ask you to bless the words of our, your servant, brother Jeff. Father, we just thank you, Lord, that we still can do this without being interfered by what’s coming soon in both of our countries all around the world. We’re going to be restricted, Lord. We just praise you for the opportunity to still be able to do this and that we still have freedom. Father, we thank you and we praise you and we ask for the presence of the Holy spirit and we ask this in Jesus name.
Brother Jeff, we’re going to turn this over to you.
Okay, happy Sabbath. The notes I sent in, if those that are listening, have them available to them, you’ll see that it says zoom meeting 3-23-24, which is last Sabbath. And that’s purposeful. I want to address the zoom meeting last Sabbath, where I gave a couple pieces of misinformation, go back through and put them in order in this presentation.
One was that I identified the battle of Panium as taking place in 198 BC, and it actually took place in the year 200 BC. the other had to do with identifying that the battle of Panium was a spiritual war between the apostate religion of the Maccabees and the apostate religion of the Greeks.
I won’t spend time addressing the process of how the Lord has led to some of these understandings, but I personally view the mistakes of last week’s presentation as beneficial because when I went back through and realized I had to correct those mistakes. I recognized there were things about that history that had I been just correct on those two points that I wouldn’t have been forced to look any deeper into those histories, and I wouldn’t have recognized some of the things that I now understand, and those things seem to be very important.
In this week of preparing for this, I had some input from a brother and it’s, it was a minor, a minority opinion. Maybe everyone believes this, but we’ve only heard really one direct comment along this line where, other than this, we get the same comment from the other nations around the world that are following this, and the comment is, we need to be doing these things in a visual, you know, in a not a zoom meeting, but in a web broadcast where we could be using a whiteboard and laying these lines out where the visual representation is accompanied with the audio.
But whether you’re aware of it or not, the reason that I was willing to begin to share some of these truths on your zoom meeting was because I could tell, number 1, that the articles that I’m writing are coming to conclusion, I believe, and I wanted to promote an interest in those articles.
So, I was willing to get in and share some of these things, but although we have a few people that are helping us, 2 people helping us with some of the copy editing of the articles, and we have 1 person helping us. 1 and a half persons helping us out in our gardening endeavors, basically here with what my son and I are doing with the message to the website, and then our gardening endeavors is just he and I. And as far as the gardening endeavors, we’re both physically limited.
So we’re overwhelmed, but he and I have planned, we’ve understood for quite some time that once we get everything finalized on the website, and the articles are there, and we’re finished with all the translation, then we intend to begin to present things on the web, a webcast, however you identify that, where we’re doing some presentations with a whiteboard, but we couldn’t possibly take up that task right now. And it would be counterproductive to what we’re barely keeping up with at this time.
So, my intent for this meeting here today is to go back over some of what we covered last Sabbath and try to emphasize for those that may not have really caught the significance of some of these truths, emphasize them to the point to where you’ll be challenged to go test them.
So in your notes. The 1st thing there is “Truth”. And what I mean by “truth” is the Hebrew word that is translated as “truth” that was created. With the 1st, the 13th and the 22nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and it’s unbelievable. Not unbelievable, but it’s just really profound that, if you go into the Hebrew websites that deal with the Old Testament. They’ve grappled with this particular word throughout the years, because it has so many profound implications as it’s used in the scriptures. It’s more than simply a word, it’s something that they have long discussions about.
And when we 1st started this work of presenting this message in these articles, Clayton discovered this. This study of the word “truth”, and it was consistent with where we were at, at that time, that being the beginning of the Revelation, where John is being introduced to Christ, the Alpha and the Omega, and the Revelation of Himself. The Revelation of Christ being the final truth.
It’s unsealed by Christ as the Lion of the tribe of Judah. And He is the truth, and we understood as we progressed in these articles that the key to really establishing the message that we’ve been presenting is this word “truth”, and the structure of this word, “Truth”. So you’ll notice in your notes, if they’re available to you. That under “Truth”, we have 1st, 13th and 22nd letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It’s essential in my mind to see that the, the 1st and the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the 1st and the 22nd are, are the same. They are at the beginning and the ending, because in that word “truth”, you have the Alpha and Omega, which is the primary symbol of Christ in the book of Revelation chapter one.
So you have the signature of the word “truth”, of Alpha and Omega, and you also have the fact that the Hebrew alphabet consists of 22 letters, and the number 22, and the number 220, represent the combination of divinity (in the Hebrew alphabet) with humanity, which at one level is the truth that that shines in the last days as the Sabbath shown for the Millerites, when they moved into the most holy place on October 22nd, 1844.
Sister White was shown that the Sabbath commandment had a halo about it. It stood out more than the other commandments. And then she speaks about God’s students of prophecy in the last days, recognizing that the doctrine of the incarnation was invested with the soft halo. She says the incarnation, the combination of divinity with humanity is the bottom line of the message that’s unsealed.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, even in the 1st 3 verses, the process of the message being given from the father to the son to the angel Gabriel to John, who sends it out to the churches, is an illustration of the combination of divinity with humanity. God, the Father being divinity, Jesus being divinity, but Jesus being divinity that has taken upon itself human flesh. So it goes from divinity. To Jesus, which is divinity combined with fallen human flesh, and the message is then given to Gabriel, who is one of God’s creations, he’s of a class of angels that have never sinned. So he’s still divine, and he takes that message and he hands it off to John, who is a symbol of fallen human flesh that’s, of course, been sanctified by God’s word, but then John sends that message to the churches, once again, a symbol of fallen human flesh
So in the process of the 1st 3 verses of Revelation, and the unsealing of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, if you will see it, you see in this step by step process, a combination of divinity and humanity. And it’s Alpha and Omega that is primarily introduced to John in chapter 1 of revelation. And the message at the end is placed in the context of the incarnation, because the incarnation of Christ, when he took upon himself fallen flesh, and becomes this dual nature of the Son of God and the son of man. This is the bottom line of the end of the process.
Of the history of the three angels messages, the beginning history being the history of the 1st and 2nd angels messages in the time of the Millerites, the ending history being the history of the 3rd angel. And the truth, the doctrine that shone out of the beginning is the doctrine of the Sabbath. The Sabbath is the sign of God’s connection with His created people. The Sabbath is a sign of the incarnation. It is a sign that divinity and the created humanity, a created entity, is combined in the symbol of their combination. The symbol of their incarnation is the Sabbath.
So the beginning doctrine in the Millerite History is illustrating the doctrine that is opened up in the last days, which is the doctrine of the incarnation. So if you’re not wrapping your mind around the significance of that, then you’re, you’re probably missing. A good, good portion of the truth, because the truth is a word that’s created by three letters. The 1st and the last represent the same. And then the 13th letter in the middle will represent rebellion.
And in your notes, if you have them, on the next page, I’m going to pass over some stuff. Finalize this point. Some of the things that we’ve come to discover about the number 22 and the number 220 as a symbol of divinity combined with humanity does not sin, is that when it comes to an illustration of Christ actually accomplishing that sealing work among the 144,000…. It is Daniel in chapter 10 that illustrates this experience, and Daniel was fasting for 21 days. And it was on day 22 that he has this vision of Christ.
So it’s the day in that vision that represents the combination of humanity and divinity. And ultimately, the vision that Daniel sees in that 22nd day, is the feminine vision of the Marah vision, which is the looking-glass vision. Which is a “causative verb” vision, which means that the vision itself gets reproduced in those that see it.
So the illustration of Daniel in chapter 10, of those people at the end of the world that are sealed, who perfect the combining their humanity with Christ’s divinity. It takes place in the 22nd day. It is one of the proof texts that the numbers 22 and 220 are that very symbol. And this work that Daniel is illustrating takes place after he was mourning for three weeks.
And I would suggest that mourning in the Bible is, at the basic level, it’s your morning for someone that is dead. And that the two witnesses of Revelation 11 were both slain in the year 2020. And the Protestant horn of those two witnesses was resurrected beginning in 2023. And July of 2023 is 22 years after 9-11.
It’s at this point in 2023 when the Lord is beginning to accomplish the work that is illustrated in the 22nd day of Daniel chapter 10. It’s the period of time where the doctrine of the incarnation becomes present truth.
And the illustration of the two 2520s that is more than anything else, now I understand, an illustration of the work of Christ in the most holy place in sealing His people. When those two 2520 prophecies are correctly understood, you’ll see that the 2520 against the southern kingdom of Judah and the 2300 year prophecy both ended on October 22nd, 1844. But they had different starting points. And their starting points were 220 years apart from 677 BC to 427 BC.
So even though they were two distinct prophetic time prophecies, they were actually parallel truths. And they concluded together on October 22nd, 1844. And that’s why you have in Habakkuk 2:20, the ending of those two time prophecies emphasized by the verse in Habakkuk 2:20, which says, “the Lord is in his holy temple, let all the earth keep silence.”
And at the same time in John 2:20, you have the reference of the temple being built in 46 years. And the building of the temple also connects with the two 2520s, the one that ended in 1798, and the other ended in October 22nd, 1844. And in those 46 years, the temple was erected. And that temple, the most holy place of that temple, is where the throne of God is now seated.
And Jesus is seated on the right hand of God in that temple. And He’s seated there because He overcame and we can overcome as He overcame. And if we do, we are to be seated in heavenly places with Christ as He’s seated with His Father. And that work of being seated in the most holy place is the story of the two 2520s, and the construction of the temple in the Millerite history that speaks to the combination of divinity with humanity.
The period that we are in now, beginning in 2023 until the soon coming Sunday law, is the final period that leads to the healing of the deadly wound of the papacy, when the papacy is going to be empowered again at the Sunday law. And there was a period of time that preceded the papacy being placed upon the throne of the earth the first time. And that period of time was from 508 to 538. And it had a waymark in the middle, which was 533.
That 30 years of preparation for the papacy to be empowered is a period that will be repeated before the papacy is empowered again. I’m not saying it’s 30 years, I’m saying it is a period. There was a specific period before the papacy took the throne. And that period typifies a specific period before the deadly wound is healed. And the 30 years of preparation for the papacy to take the throne of the earth in 538 was typified by the 30 years of preparation of Christ before He was empowered because the antichrist has been governed by the prophetic line of Christ. And Christ identifies a 30 year period of preparation before he was empowered at his baptism that typifies the 30 years of the papacy being empowered in 538.
And when Christ was empowered at His baptism, then He gave His testimony for three and a half years. And then He was crucified, He died. And when the papacy was empowered in 538, he gave its satanic testimony for three and a half prophetic years. And then it received a deadly wound. So these are parallel histories. There’s many other waymarks within those two histories to show their parallel.
So what I’m wanting to grasp here is that this period of preparation for both Christ and the antichrist corresponds to a specific period before the soon coming Sunday law. And therefore that history of preparation is identifying the history of the sealing of the 144,000.
Now, if you go back to the beginning of your notes, it’s a rather long passage from the great controversy that I don’t intend to read, but I hope you’re all familiar with it. And if you’re not, you should be because it’s in this passage where Sister White clearly teaches that in Millerite history, the Millerites fulfilled the parable of the 10 virgins to the very letter in their experience.
And the portion of the parable of the 10 virgins that was really focused upon here in Great Controversy was the period of time from the first disappointment when the tarrying time began until the great disappointment. And Sister White is clear that in that history, Habakkuk chapter two verses one through four was fulfilled. The tarrying time in the parable of the 10 virgins was fulfilled. But what I’m wanting you to see is that also Ezekiel 12 verses 21 through 28 was fulfilled.
And Ezekiel 12 verses 21 through 28 is connected with the fulfillment of Habakkuk two. And it’s connected with the fulfillment of the parable of the 10 virgins, and the parable of the 10 virgins illustrates the experience of the Adventist people. That’s all in this passage in the Great Controversy.
And what I’m saying is, that when the parable of the 10 virgins is fulfilled in our history, that is the point in time where every vision in Bible prophecy will find its perfect effect. All the prophecies from God’s word contribute to the sealing time of the 144,000. And the sealing time of the 144,000 began on September 11th, 2001, and it ends at the Sunday law in the United States. And that history, the history that we’re living in is confirmed by the word truth.
You see, September 11th, 2001 until the Sunday law is subtitled in your notes, perhaps, if you have them. And these aren’t all the illustrations of that history that confirmed the word truth, but these are a few so that you will hopefully follow the implications, the seriousness of what we’re saying.
From September 11th unto the Sunday law, September 11th, 2001, there are three voices. The first voice is the first voice of the angel of Revelation 18, who cried out in the first three verses of Revelation 18, when the great buildings of New York City were thrown down by a touch of God. We have repeatedly identified this in these articles. Sister White says so. And this sealing time began on September 11th, 2001 with the voice of Christ, the first voice of Revelation 18. And it ends at the Sunday law with the second voice of Revelation 18. Which is verse four, where God calls his other flock out of Babylon.
And in that history, the 144,000 are sealed. And that history is truth, because in the middle of that history, you have the voice of Christ once again. In the year 2020, the two horns of the earth beasts were slain. And in 2023, those slain witnesses that were lying in the streets of the great city, Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified, who were also typified by the dead dry bones of Ezekiel 37, who were also typified by the 21 days that Daniel was in mourning. Those witnesses that were sleeping in spiritual death are called to life by the only voice that calls people that are dead back to life, whether they be righteous or unrighteous. And it’s the voice of the archangel, the voice of Michael.
So in the history of September 11th to the Sunday Law, there are three voices. There is the voice of Christ on September 11th, the voice of Christ at the Sunday Law, calling His other flock out of Babylon, and then the voice of Christ as the archangel resurrecting the two witnesses in the middle of that history in 2023, 22 years after 2001.
And of the five times that you find Michael the archangel referenced in the scriptures, he’s also always in a struggle with Satan. Sister White commenting on Daniel 10, identifies that not only was Cyrus resisting moving forward with the first decree, but Satan was there, and Gabriel was struggling with Satan and Cyrus until Michael came and finished the work. And Michael contended with Satan when he resurrected Moses. And Moses is one of those two witnesses that are resurrected.
And of course, Michael in Revelation 12 is at war with Satan. So when we see Michael, we see Satan too. So the second voice in the three voices that represent the sealing time of the 144,000 marks a voice that is sounded in opposition to Satan. And Satan is the classic symbol of rebellion because the 13th letter of the Hebrew word, the word “truth” that is created by the first, the 13th and 22nd letters of the Hebrew alphabet, the 13th letter is a symbol of rebellion.
And Satan is there when Michael calls you and I back to life in 2023. In that very same history where all prophecies find their effect according to Ezekiel 12, which was fulfilled in Millerite history, as certainly as was Matthew 25 and Habakkuk 2, there are three beasts that come from the bottomless pit. On September 11th, Islam, which is identified in Revelation 9 as a power from the bottomless pit, Islam strikes on September 11th.
And at the Sunday law, the deadly wound of the papacy is healed. It becomes the eighth that is of the seven. And in Revelation 17, where this prophetic enigma of the Catholic church receiving the healing of its deadly wound and becoming the eighth of the seven, it’s also identified as a beast that comes out of the bottomless pit.
So at the beginning of the sealing time on September 11th, there’s the beast of Islam that comes out of the bottomless pit. And at the end of the sealing time at the Sunday law, the beast of Catholicism comes out of the bottomless pit. And in the year 2020, the beast of atheism that comes out of the bottomless pit in Revelation 11, delivered a mortal wound to both horns of the earth beast, to the Republican horn by stealing the election from Donald Trump, and to the Protestant horn by their proclamation of a false prediction of Nashville.
In that history, you have three beasts that come out of the bottomless pit. And though Islam is not the false prophet of the United States, Islam is a symbol of a false prophet. Atheism is the power of the dragon, and the papacy at the Sunday law is a symbol of the beast. Those three beasts that come out of the bottomless pit in the sealing time of the 144,000 are typifying. and the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet that lead the world to Armageddon.
In that very same history, the sealing time of the 144,000, where the effect of every vision takes place, you have three attacks upon the glorious land. The first attack was September 11th, 2001, when the Third Woe struck the great buildings in New York City and the Pentagon, and crashed a plane into the ground.
And at the arrival of the Sunday Law, which is the great earthquake of Revelation chapter 11, chapter 11 identifies that, “…behold, the second woe is passed and the third woe cometh quickly”, and the Third Woe is the Seventh Trumpet, and the Third Woe and the Seventh Trumpet is Islam. So Islam strikes at the beginning of the sealing time of the 144,000, and also at the ending of this sealing time of the 144,000, and it attacks what I’ll call the spiritual glorious land.
I’m calling it the spiritual glorious land in contrast to the literal glorious land, because on October 7th, 2023, Islam of the Third Woe attacked the literal glorious land of Israel, and began a war there that is still growing in its implications as it contributes to many things that are going on in Earth’s history.
But in that sealing time of the 144,000, you have three voices. They’re all the voice of Christ. You have all three beasts that come out of the bottomless pit, and you have three attacks upon the glorious land, and they’re all governed by the word “truth”, because the first attack by Islam was upon the United States. The last attack of Islam is upon the United States, and the middle attack is upon ancient Israel of old, which is a symbol of rebellion for their participation in the crucifixion of Christ.
So the three voices, the three beasts, the three attacks all have this signature of “truth”, and I didn’t really emphasize with the three beasts, all of the beasts in the sealing time of the 144,000, whether it’s Islam on September 11th, or Catholicism at the Sunday law, they are unrighteous beasts, but the one in the middle is the dragon. And although all three are the same in terms of coming from the bottomless pit, the premier symbol of rebellion, of course, is the dragon. It is Satan. So the 13th letter, the middle letter, is once again an illustration of rebellion as represented by the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
And what all of these lines are emphasizing is the period of time from September 11th to the Sunday law, which is the period of time, according to Ezekiel, where the effect of every vision takes place. And it’s the period of time when the 144,000 are sealed.
And in that history, you will find three actions of the government of the United States, the first being the Patriot Act in 2001. And then in 2021, the Pelosi trials begin, which, as with the Patriot Act, is setting the primary premise of overthrowing the Constitution. And these decrees are all about overthrowing the Constitution.
In the Patriot Act, the first, Roman law is put in place of English law. The Constitution was based upon English law, which teaches that you are innocent till proven guilty. The Patriot Act introduces and puts in place Roman law, which is you are guilty till proven innocent.
The Pelosi trials that begin in 2022 is the actual implementation of that principle far beyond simply the purpose of putting terrorists in Guantanamo Bay. It is now being used as a tool to persecute anyone that opposes the activity of the dragon power of wokeism, liberalism, progressivism. And it leads to the third decree at the Sunday law, which is the complete overturning of the Constitution.
And the activity of the Pelosi trials in the middle, taking place in 2021, following the slaying of the two horns in 2020 is the manifestation of the atheistic power taking the “lawfare” that is being used in order to do everything it’s been doing since that point in history. And it is the manifestation of satanic power. The Pelosi trials being a symbol of that, the Patriot Act typifying the Sunday law. And you have the signature of “truth” in that history. And that history is about the sealing of the 144,000.
And what I’ve been doing so far today is trying to encourage you to wrap your mind around the symbol of 22 and 220, how it is emphasizing that the combination of divinity with humanity does not sin.
And that the work of producing a group of people in that condition is the final work that Christ accomplishes in the most holy place as He raises up the 144,000. And as the Alpha and Omega, He always illustrates the ending with the beginning, and the beginning of the sealing time of the 144,000, when the angel comes down and lightens the earth with its glory, is typifying the very ending of the sealing time of the 144,000.
When the same angel, only this time you would represent him as Michael the Archangel, comes down and resurrects the two witnesses and begins the process of sealing them for eternity, all the implications that took place on September 11th, 2001 are then repeated.
By that I mean that when the angel came down on September 11th, 2001, those that were willing to see, took the message that was in his hand and ate it. And they began to proclaim the message, just as those who see the implications of the resurrection of the two witnesses in 2023, will take the message that is in the hand of Michael and eat it and begin to sound that message.
In 2001, the Lord led His people back to the old paths, and part of the process of sealing the 144,000, that began to take place in 2023, was returning those candidates to be among the 144,000 to the old paths of the seven times of Leviticus 26.
The very doctrine that at the beginning of Adventism was rejected from 1856 to 1863 was reintroduced when those two witnesses were resurrected in 2023. And just as the Millerites were required to recognize that they were in the tarrying time after the first disappointment of April 19th, 1844, they had to see that they were in a tarrying time and though the vision tarried, they were to wait for it after the first disappointment of July 18th, 2020.
When those witnesses were resurrected, they had to recognize that they had been in the tarrying time for a period of time that is represented by three and a half days that the two witnesses laid dead in the street, and when they were resurrected, they were confronted with the old paths, and those old paths are illustrated in Daniel chapter nine when he associates himself with those that find themselves in a scattered condition and he begins to pray the prayer of Leviticus 26.
And Daniel has to accomplish this prayer in order to see the vision of chapter 10 that transforms him, in the looking-glass vision, into the image of Christ.
And in 2023, those people that were resurrected had to recognize that the period of time from the first disappointment in July 18th, 2020 until “the voice crying in the wilderness” began to awaken them, that they, like Daniel, had to acknowledge that they had been scattered, and they had to confess their sins, and the sins of their fathers.
And one of those primary sins of course, that confronted this movement, was acknowledging that July 18th, 2020, was, unlike the Millerite history, which was a disappointment that was brought by God’s hands, as it was in the first disappointment of the Millerite history, but God’s hand in July 18th, 2020 was a symbol of His people’s rebellion, whereas His hand on April 19th, 1844 was a symbol of His work in covering up some of the understanding that would have allowed them to see 1844.
There’s a very purposeful reason that this was done and it connects with Daniel’s prayer in Daniel nine. Daniel provides two witnesses of prayer in his history. The first witness is the prayer of Leviticus 26 which acknowledges your sins and the sins of your fathers, but the other place where Daniel was forced to prayer, and it was a life and death prayer, was in Daniel chapter two when the king had a dream that he could not remember.
So this dream is a hidden dream and Daniel is forced under the threat of death to go to the Lord in prayer and ask for a revelation of what this hidden dream was, and the hidden dream was for Daniel the dream of Nebuchadnezzar’s image of the four kingdoms of Bible prophecy.
And Daniel’s prayer in Daniel chapter two, and Daniel’s prayer in Daniel chapter nine are to be repeated by the two witnesses that are resurrected in 2023. One prayer is acknowledging their sins and the sins of their fathers, and the other prayer is a request to understand Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the image.
And the dream of the image that was typified in Daniel chapter two, and understood in Daniel by the Millerites as representing the four great kingdoms of Bible prophecy, in 2023 is understood to be representing eight kingdoms of Bible prophecy, and that the revelation from Daniel chapter two marks the first revelation of the kingdoms of Bible prophecy, and it has to agree with the last revelation of the kingdoms of Bible prophecy, and the last revelation of the kingdoms of Bible prophecy is that there are eight kingdoms of Bible prophecy, and that the eighth is of the seven.
And the enigma that the eighth is of the seven can be recognized now in Daniel chapter two, because Jesus illustrates the end with the beginning, that literal Babylon represented spiritual Babylon, the fifth kingdom, and the second kingdom of the Medes and the Persians typified the sixth kingdom of the United States the two horned beast, and the third kingdom of Greece typified the seventh kingdom, the United Nations, and the fourth kingdom of Rome typified modern Rome at the end of the world, which is the eighth kingdom that is of the seven.
And the prayer of Daniel two and the prayer of Daniel nine that are to be accomplished by those people that are resurrected beginning in 2023, not only identifies an internal work that they must partake of in repenting for their sins and the sins of their fathers, but it identifies a prayer to understand the external message of Bible prophecy. And the external message of Bible prophecy is that the 8th is of the 7.
And the Protestant horn and the Republican horn both fulfill this process of being the 8th that is of the 7. Donald Trump was the 6th president from Ronald Reagan at the time of the end in 1989, and he received “a deadly wound”, and he is going to be, in not so many more months, the 8th President of those presidents that began with Ronald Reagan. And he will be the 8th that is of the 7.
The Republican horn goes through this same process as the papacy does in Revelation 17 because the Republican horn is going to form the image of the beast. And the beast that it forms an image of is the beast of Revelation 18 that is the 8th that is of the 7.
And therefore Donald Trump, being the 8th president of the 7 previous presidents, is forming that image of the beast. Whereas the Protestant horn is the horn that is the 8th that is of the 7, and it isn’t going to form the image of the beast, it will form the image of Christ.
And until you see this enigma, which is the prayer of Daniel 2, that you are to enter into, as of 2023 when the voice of the archangel calls you back to life, it requires that, like in the Millerite history where this transition took place, due to the Lord holding His hand over a mistake in the reckoning of some of the figures (and in so doing infers no disobedience on the part of the Millerites, for the Millerites in that history were Philadelphians).
They were Philadelphians, that by 1856 were going to transition into Laodiceans, and by 1863 were going to form the Laodicean Seventh-day Adventist Church (and there is no evidence that that church is ever saved).
That transition in the Millerite history of a faithful movement, the Philadelphian movement, is typifying the transition of the final movement at the end, and the final movement at the end was brought together from people that came from Laodicean Adventism, and their death and resurrection is marking a transition from a Laodicean movement unto a Philadelphian movement, and the hand that caused this transition on July 18, 2020, was not the Lord holding His hand over a mistake in some of the figures. It was the hand of Christ in Revelation 10 that was lifted to heaven and sware by Him that liveth forever and ever that there should be time no longer.
And in the Laodicean movement of the third angel, on July 18, 2020, in disobedience to that hand, the movement suffered a disappointment and they were dead in the streets, until 2023 when Michael began to resurrect them, and when they were resurrected, they were to confess their own sins, and the sins of their fathers, and they were to pray the Daniel 2 prayer that they would understand the external prophetic message, while also possessing the internal experience that has to be accomplished when divinity is joined with humanity.
So the history of this sealing time of the 144,000 begins on 9-11, and the elements of 9-11 are repeated post-2023, because Jesus illustrates the end from the beginning.
When the angel came down on 9-11, he led his people back to the old paths. There they discovered that the 2520 was one of the old truths, and there they discovered the significance of not only the 1843 chart but also the 1850 pioneer chart, and in Millerite history there are two histories that speak to the sealing of the 144,000.
There’s the history of 1840 to 1844, and in that history, the 1843 chart becomes a symbol of the visual representation of the message, and in the history of 1844 to 1863, the 1850 chart becomes the symbol of the visual message. Those two lines lay over the top of each other, and they lay over the history of September 11, 2001 to the Sunday Law, and what those charts represent is that at 9-11, the elements of 9-11, are to be repeated at the end of the sealing time, because the beginning of the sealing time is repeated at the end of the sealing time, because Jesus illustrates the end from the beginning.
In the first period of Millerite history that concluded on October 22, 1844, they had one chart, the 1843 chart, but they quit using it after April 19, 1844 because it had predicted 1843. Then when the Lord began to bring His people back into unity in 1849, they produced another chart that was the visual representation of the message.
And on 9-11, those people that were led back to the old paths recognized that both charts were sacred, and that they both were the visual representation of the Millerite history, and suddenly, those two charts became a symbol post 9-11 of the foundational message, the message that they had been led back to because they ate the little book that was in the angel’s hand.
That beginning history illustrates the ending history of the sealing time of the 144,000. When Michael comes down and resurrects them, He leads His people back to the old paths once again, to see Leviticus 26, and their need to repent, and repent for the sins of their fathers, and to pray to understand the external message that’s fulfilling before their very eyes.
And just as the 1843 chart was a symbol for the first period of Millerite history, and the 1850 chart was the visual symbol for the second period of Millerite history, and just as the two charts are the symbol of the foundational message at the beginning of the sealing time, the Lord at this ending sealing time, He’s not going to produce any new charts.
What He’s going to produce is an ensign of people that are the 144,000 that are the symbol of the connection between the Creator and the creation, which is the Sabbath, which is the seal that’s placed upon them and they are a demonstration of the combination of humanity and divinity, divinity and humanity, which does not sin, and He will lift them up as an ensign, just as a chart is lifted up, and they will become the visual representation that was typified by those two charts becoming a component of prophetic history post 9-11.
So all the elements at the beginning of the sealing time of the 144,000 began to repeat when the Lord called His people back to life in 2023, and He called them back to life by “a voice crying in the wilderness”, and that becomes part of the test as well.
In your notes now, I’m at the very bottom of page 2 where it says Daniel 11:1, 2, 10-23 and I’m going to run through these waymarks, and what I’m saying now, (maybe here I have a potential of losing your focus without a whiteboard), but the message that is unsealed in 2023, that perfects this combination of divinity and humanity within God’s people, is a message that takes place just before the Sunday Law, and in Daniel 11, verse 16, we have the Sunday Law illustrated.
Therefore, in those verses that lead to verse 16, we have the history where the sealing of the 144,000 is to take place,and we have a history that fills in the hidden history of verse 40 of Daniel 11. There’s a hidden history in verse 40 because verse 40 of Daniel 11 begins at 1798 and it takes you to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989 and the next verse, verse 41, is the Sunday Law.
Verse 41 is verse 16. Verse 40, the last text that it has, takes you to 1989, and in Daniel 11, verse 10 takes you to 1989. Verse 10 through verse 15 is the history from 1989 to the Sunday Law. Those verses lay over the hidden history of verse 40, and those verses contain the history of the sealing of the 144,000.
Not only do those verses contribute to that hidden history, but verses 1 and 2 of Daniel 11 do so as well, because 1989 is identified in verse 1 with the reign of Cyrus, the second of two kings, Darius and Cyrus, which marks the time of the end in 1989. And from Cyrus, there are three kings and the fourth king is going to be far richer than they all.
Cyrus and Darius are the kings of Medo-Persia, and the two-horned beast of Medo-Persia, the second kingdom of Bible prophecy, typifies the sixth kingdom of Bible prophecy, which is the two-horned beast of the United States, and in 1989, which verse 1 of Daniel 11 takes you to, and which verse 10 of Daniel 11 also takes you to, and which verse 40 of Daniel 11 also takes you to.
Verse 2 instructs us that there would be three presidents after George Bush I. The first president was a Republican president, Ronald Reagan, followed by George Bush, who is typified by Cyrus. There would be three more presidents, which were Bill Clinton, George Bush the Last, Barack Hussein Obama; those three kings would be followed by the king that’s far richer than they all.
And it just amazes me, this is prophetic, but it may not be important for your prophetic recognition, but with all the lawfare, and by the way, when I say “lawfare”, it’s a component of the dragon power, the “lawyer” in the Scriptures is Satan, he’s there arguing his argument about Job, he’s there arguing about the Lord wanting to resurrect Moses, repeatedly.
It’s Satan that is the dragon power, that is the Democratic Party, that is the leading lawyers in this struggle, it’s the dragon power, and with all the lawfare that’s been brought against Trump, beginning in 2015, verse 2 says he’s richer than they all are, and as they persecuted him up to this present year, when he gets this ruling against him, just an insane ruling out of New York for all these billions of dollars he’s supposed to pay, or millions of dollars he’s supposed to pay, whatever it was, then sure enough, his Truth Social, whatever it’s called, goes public and he suddenly becomes richer than he was before!
This is the prophetic characteristic of this king that stirs up the Grecian Empire, which is the third kingdom of Bible prophecy, typifying the globalism of the seventh kingdom of Bible prophecy, the United Nations. And they were stirred up in 2015 when this rich president began his first campaign for presidency.
He will have three campaigns because the truth of Donald Trump is “Truth’. There are three presidential campaigns of Donald Trump. The first one he’s gonna win, the last one he’s gonna win, and the one in the middle he loses. And he loses it to the dragon power stealing the election. And it’s the signature of “Truth” all over again. And in this election, this campaign, in spite of all the fines that they have tried to throw at him, he’s done nothing but become richer and richer.
But verse two of Daniel 11 only takes you to that first campaign. And then it stops and it goes to Alexander the Great, which is the seventh kingdom of Bible prophecy. Verse 10 takes you to 1989 and introduces the Ukrainian war that Putin is going to win, but he will not be benefited by it.
And verses 13 through 15 take you to the Battle of Panium. And it’s here where I was understanding some things about Panium that I read correctly last week, but they weren’t really incorrect. And what I mean by that is I had not yet seen the distinction between the two horns. And in verses 13 through 15, you have a political horn of the United States represented by Trump and his struggle that is the Battle of Panium that follows the dissolution of Putin’s power base in Russia after he defeats the Ukraine.
But you also have the line of apostate Protestantism, Trump representing apostate republicanism, and the Maccabees in that very same history, representing the line of apostate Protestantism. And as was pointed out as these messages were proceeding, it would have been better to be identifying the three wars that I call Cold Wars with a different expression.
And now I know what I would have better been identifying those three battles as, and what they are is they’re the three battles of verse 40. And the first battle of verse 40 brings the Soviet Union down. And the last battle of verse 40 brings the United Nations down…. doesn’t bring the United Nations down to where it doesn’t exist. It does the same thing that Gorbachev did with perestroika, which means “restructuring”.
In the Battle of Panium between Trump and the United Nations, which was typified by the Seleucid battle against the Ptolemies of Egypt, Trump will prevail and the United Nations will “reorganize” allowing Trump to be, or the United States at least, to be the prevailing king of the 10 kings. And this happens at the Battle of Panium, which is the political battle.
But the religious battle of the Horn of Apostate Protestantism, it’s representing the struggle that’s typified by the Maccabean Revolt that began in 167 BC. And it ultimately prevails against the Greek influence, the apostate religion of Greece. And the apostate religion of Greece is most clearly typified by the god Pan. And the god Pan’s primary temple is in Panium, and it’s the Battle of Panium.
So in verse 15 with the Battle of Panium, you have both the political struggle of the Republican Horn and the religious struggle of the apostate Horn of Protestantism. And it’s important to note that history because those two horns go through history together.
But the thing that I want you to see as we bring this to a close, if you will, is that the rebellion, the revolt of the Maccabees that began in 167 BC is identifying November 5th, 2024 when Trump is reelected. And that the rededication of the second temple that the Jews celebrate Hanukkah over is his inauguration on July 20th, 2025. And it’s at that point when he’s inaugurated, pardon me, January 20th, 2020, sorry. It’s at that point that when he’s inaugurated that he becomes the eighth president that is of the seven.
The transition point for the Republican Horn is at that inauguration. It is the enigma of Daniel two, that there are eight beasts in the image of Nebuchadnezzar, not just four. And those eight beasts typify the last presentation of the kingdoms of Bible prophecy, where there are eight beasts, and the eighth is of the seven.
When Trump is inaugurated on January 20th, 2025, he will become the eighth that is of the seven. And that waymark was typified by 164 BC, which the Jews commemorate as Hanukkah. And [in the story of] Hanukkah, they only had one day’s worth of oil, so they say, that lasted for eight days. That one day of oil was the eighth that was of the seven.
It’s there that the transition takes place that begins the process of 161 to 158, which is the setting up of, the formation of, the image of the beast, that ends, that has been typified by, the League of Rome that ends with the Sunday law in verse 16.
And at Hanukkah in 164 BC, which is the inauguration of January 20th, 2025, we should expect that satanic miracles begin to be involved with leading the United States to establish a government based upon the combination of Church and State at the Sunday law in the United States.
Sister White and the Bible, teach that then is when Satan appears and begins his marvelous act. And that’s where the satanic miracles begin. They begin at the very beginning point when the United States is forcing the world to set up an image of the beast.
And at the inauguration of Trump on January 20th, 2025, Hanukkah is paralleled where this miracle took place for the Maccabees….and the Maccabees were not a righteous people. They were unrighteous in spite of every claim you may find. They ultimately are represented in the time of Christ as the Pharisees. And the Pharisees may have professed to be righteous, but they were not.
And at the dedication of the temple in 164, if we are to believe the testimony, a miracle took place, the miracle of the “one being of the eight”, if you can see what I’m saying. At his inauguration, we should expect to see satanic miracles begin, that are typifying, that are marking, the beginning of the setting up of the image of the beast, as represented by the year 161 to 158 BC, the League of the Jews.
Because when the image of the beast is set up in the world, it begins with the miraculous working of Satan and the image of the beast in the United States typifies the image of the beast in the world.
Therefore, what I’m saying is this, to bring this to a close, this history of verse 10 through 15, and in verses one and two, are to be plugged into the hidden history of Daniel 11, verse 40. The hidden history being the history from 1989 to the Sunday law in verse 41. Within this history, the sealing of the 144,000 takes place. The lines that we see in Daniel 11, verses one, two, and 10 through 15, are not lines that are addressing the 144,000. They’re lines that are addressing the apostate Republican horn and the apostate Protestant horn.
And the truth of the three battles of verse 40 is that the beginning battle is the ending battle. The beginning battle is the King of the North against the dragon power, the King of the South [in the USSR]. And the dragon power gives way and reorganizes its kingdom, leaving only Russia standing.
That battle [in 1989] typified the battle of the political battle of Panium when Trump prevails over the United Nations and they reorganize, and the United States takes the leading position. In the middle, you have the battle that is going on in the Ukraine that is between Russia and the proxy army of the papacy, being Nazism.
And in the three world wars, in the second world war, the proxy army of the papacy was Nazism and Nazism lost. Nazism is a symbol of rebellion and the Nazism in the middle war in this history is Ukraine, and it’s the symbol of rebellion. And the signature of”Truth” is upon this history of these three battles of verse 40 that take you from 1989 to the Sunday law.
And the next step would be to show how Panium joins Actium, but we won’t go there at this time. All right, I have pretty much put back in place what I kicked around last Sabbath.
So I wanna close now with a word of prayer, if you would. Heavenly Father, we thank You for being alive during these very times, the times that all the prophets and holy men wanted to live within, but we need the discernment of Your Holy Spirit in our hearts and the minds that we can recognize that what’s taking place around us now is a fulfillment of Your Word. Though the things that are happening may look like confusion and chaos at every corner, that, according to Sister White’s commentary on Ezekiel’s vision, that these interactions of human history are actually in perfect order. We wanna see that perfect order so that we can have peace, [in the midst of the chaos] which is transpiring around us at this time.
[We] pray for a blessing upon all who are following this message. I pray that You would put conviction upon the hearts of the brothers and sisters that are listening to this, saying that they would begin to read these articles where these truths that we are speaking of now, have been, as far as I’m concerned, firmly established over several articles, that we might understand that we are at the very closing period of time when You are about to seal Your people, and those of us that refuse to enter into the process that You’ve identified is the process of the sealing are about to be lost for eternity.
We pray that this doesn’t happen, that You’d give us the motivation it takes for us to do our due diligence in studying these things that are unfolding at this time. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Happy Sabbath. So I had a question. You had mentioned the counterfeit of the Maccabees there at the end. And the menorah is a counterfeit. And it’s the eight-branched candlestick that the Jews use for Hanukkah, in contrast to the sanctuary candelabra that has seven branches.
Good for you! That’s just another proof of the eight being of the seven.
Right, and that’s what I was gonna say. I was gonna ask if you’d recognized that, because it also points out that the Maccabees would be a complete counterfeit. The Hanukkah is a complete counterfeit of the true. And so I think that lends some credence to that. And then I did have a question about the Pelosi trials. I’m not sure exactly what you’re referencing with that.
Well, I would wanna bring in some of the other lines to answer that. And the other lines, I mean, the line of 22 years from 1776 to 1798 where you have the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution in 1789. And then the Alien and Sedition Acts in 1798.
You bring that over the history of 9-11 to the Sunday Law, and it establishes the progressive tearing down of the Constitution. And what I’m saying is that you had other presidents, before Bush the Lesser that passed the Patriot Act, that had similar actions.
Those actions were in 1798, and Abraham Lincoln did some of those, suspending Habeas Corpus in the Civil War. Andrew Jackson, or Grant, Grant, did the same when he was dealing with the Ku Klux Klan, the Democrats in his time period, and then Roosevelt gathering up people during World War II.
So you’ve had other Acts that typify the Patriot Act, and all those acts identified legitimate enemies of the United States, and all of those acts, except the Patriot Act, ended after any hostilities were over. But the Patriot Act stayed in force because it’s dealing now with a progressive history that’s leading to the full overturning of the Constitution.
So what I’m saying is the Pelosi trials, they’re the manifestation of action based upon these political decrees that are for the first time turned against political enemies. They’re turned internally, and they’re taking it to, you know, virtually every element of the Constitution is overturned in the Pelosi trials.
And there’s a statement in Great Controversy, I believe, where Sister White says, every principle of the Constitution will be repudiated. And the word “repudiated” means “denied”, doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re going to tear up the Constitution, they’re just going to deny them.
And in the Pelosi trials, it wasn’t just the idea of the Patriot Act that you can put someone in jail without any due process. They went way beyond that. So I’m recognizing this as one of three steps that leads to the overturning of the Constitution in the United States, that has been typified by other illustrations of three steps that correspond to the speaking of a nation.
And, you know, I’m open for correction if the Pelosi trials isn’t actually the right application, but there’s more to it than that. If, for instance, where I blew it last Sabbath, I knew that the Maccabees, I knew in my own heart, and with a little bit of evidence, but not the full evidence at that point (I have much more evidence now), I knew that the Maccabees also fulfilled the Battle of Panium, and that they were representing the religious horn, but I knew that Trump represents the political horn, and he’s more directly identified with the Battle of Panium.
What I’m understanding now is that in these three battles of verse 40, the first battle in 1989, it’s maybe correct to call it a battle, but it’s the conclusion of a long, drawn-out war, and therefore, the last battle, which will be as the first, the conclusion of a long, drawn-out war.
So, for me, the political Battle of Panium is going to be carried out by Trump, and it has to come after Russia defeats the Ukraine, but the religious battle of the Maccabees, it’s been typified also by 1989, which was a long, drawn-out Cold War, and that battle, the religious battle that’s represented by the Maccabees, it began as if it was 1798 when the King of the South won, because in 2020, the beast from atheism defeated both horns of the earth beast, and that spiritual war began there, and it was the war.
The Maccabees were warring against atheism. They were warring against Greek influence, Greecia being the United Nations, and that war began in 2020. So, the Battle of Panium, for the Maccabee line, actually begins back in 2020, but it’s going to come to a conclusion in verse 15 when Actium arrives.
So, with that in mind, the Pelosi trials become, you know, the marker of that warfare that fits in those three steps.
So, you’re saying the Pelosi trials are all of the stuff that’s been going on basically under just before Trump, let’s say, but primarily under Trump, these kind of, what do you say, made-up trials that are basically just ripping the Constitution to pieces. So, that’s what you’re….
Well, yeah, that’s the lawfare, but I’m speaking more, or as much about, the people that are incarcerated because of January 6th unlawfully and unrighteously, where at the same time, those people that are in agreement with Pelosi and the globalists, they can riot and tear down and do whatever they want without any retribution or, you know, it’s just. It’s crazy, but I believe it’s a waymark.
And then one last thing, we, historically speaking, even long before you get to Lincoln’s Habeas Corpus decree, there was a pandemic at the beginning of the second, under the second president, and for whatever reason, I’m totally drawing a blank on his name. I don’t know why, but they passed laws mandating vaccination, of which we’ve seen of recent.
And so, there’s, it’s a very long span [of time]. It seems that all these things are fitting together. And so, I tend to agree with this. It’s kind of a drawn-out process. Yeah, and I think that when you put the various players that are in history right now into the prophetic scenario, and look at their stated goals, the dragon power tried to kill babies when Moses was born because they knew a deliverer was coming. They tried to kill babies, the dragon power tried to kill babies when Jesus was born, and 144,000 are going to sing the song of Moses and the Lamb, so we have the activity of the dragon power on the issue of abortion, but it’s their intended purpose to take down population, and you know, the population of the United States decreased last year.
Yeah. So, they’re succeeding in their goals, and one of the methods of doing that is the Fauci jabs. It has a psychological effect, but it also is a, it’s as much a purposeful act as was Pharaoh seeking to destroy the babies. And I meant to say the world, the population of the world, declined last year.
Questioner: Yeah. Thank you Jeff.
Question: Happy Sabbath everyone, and Happy Sabbath to Jeff.
Jeff: Happy Sabbath.
My question is this, Jeff. You told us we have to repent for July 18th. What makes the Trump prediction any more than the July 18th prediction? What makes the Trump prediction valid, and the July 18th invalid, and the Trump prediction valid?
Good, good question. I get your point. I’m not sure how to answer that question, but I know that from, from the reform lines, it’s easy to see that July 18th was an act of disobedience, and that the, the theme of our history is Islam, 9-11, Islam, July 18th, and Islam at the Sunday law, and the unfolding of the story of Donald Trump as the Republican horn.
I don’t think that we are actually seeing everything that’s going to be understood about that. So I think it’s an unsealing, and maybe, maybe I’ve went a little bit too far in, in applying these waymarks from, say, the Maccabean history to Trump. I don’t think so, but I’m pretty sure that we are to understand this message in advance of it taking place, because it’s part of the process of being lifted up.
So I, good question. I don’t have an answer for it, not a clear one at this time. But I don’t think that you have any justification for believing that July 18th was a valid prediction. I would at least say that, and that we do need to repent for it. Any other feedback on that?
Well, I’m, I have to, I have to disagree with you, because I don’t think we need to repent for July 18th. I think it was, I think it was a repeat of Millerite history, and we shouldn’t be repenting for something that the Millerites didn’t repent of.
Well, I think you’re missing a very point of the sealing of the 144,000. The Millerite history has opposites of our history, just like all prophecy does. You know, Elijah symbolized John the Baptist. Elijah never died. John the Baptist did die. There’s a parallel with our two histories, but many times there’s opposites. And by far, the greatest amount of testimony is that the first disappointment, the only first disappointment in the Reform Lines that wasn’t God’s people manifesting disobedience, was the Millerite history. All the other ones was the disobedience of God’s people, where a first disappointment was represented.
But the Millerite history and our history are two parallel histories, and in those histories, the transition from those of us that came out of Laodicean Adventism into a Philadelphian experience was represented by Philadelphian Millerites that changed into Laodiceans. And therefore, the Millerites were Philadelphians, and we were Laodiceans.
Their Christian experience didn’t produce any disobedience in the first disappointment. Our Christian experience did. And that parallel doesn’t just speak to whether we need to repent for July 18th or not, it’s speaking to the transition of the Laodicean movement of the third angel into the Philadelphian movement of the 144,000.
And it also is confronting this movement with the very truth where Philadelphian Millerites failed, because the very truth where they failed was the revelation of greater light on the seven times in the articles in 1856. And those articles on the seven times that came into the Review in 1856 were a further elaboration on the very first truth that William Miller discovered, the seven times.
So the beginning truth in the Millerite movement was also the last truth that was used by the Lord to try to prevent them from going completely into a Laodicean condition.
And in our history where the Lord is bringing us out of a Laodicean condition into the Philadelphian condition, the seven times is once again unsealed. It’s not unsealed as Hiram Edson did. We already understood that truth after 9-11. What is unsealed about the seven times in our transition point, that parallels their transition point, is that we have to repent for our sins and the sins of our fathers.
And we’re repenting, according to Leviticus 26, when we find ourselves scattered in the enemy’s land. And the scattering of this movement into the enemy’s land took place on July 18th, 2020. And when we’re awakened to the fact that we’re now in the tarrying time, we’re also awakened that we’re also at the conclusion of a scattering time, because the three and a half days that the two witnesses lie dead in the street, is three and a half years.
And three and a half years is 1260 years. 1260 days is one half of the 2520. They’re all interchangeable. And at the end of that three and a half days, that they lie dead in the street, they awaken to the fact that they’ve been scattered. And the only reason that God’s people get scattered is because of disobedience. And the disobedience had to take place at the beginning of that scattering time. And July 18th, 2020 is an illustration of disobedience for this movement.
And if you get to the end where He’s awakening us as He did Daniel in the enemy’s land, and Daniel recognized that he was in the enemy’s land, just as it’s stated in Leviticus 26, he entered into the process of repenting for his sins and the sins of his fathers.
And I don’t know anyone that was in this movement in July 18th, 2020, that is around in 2023 that would have as much pure character as Daniel did when he realized he was in that condition, and he went ahead and he repented for the sins of his fathers as an example of where we are to be here in this history.
So I think you’re on dangerous ground to hold that position.
Okay, I’m going to end it with that, but I was going to tell you that you have an eclipse coming over that part of your country on April 8th. You know, they say April 8th, you’re going to have a full eclipse.
Yeah, it’s going to pass over seven towns named Nineveh, and six years, six months, six weeks, and five days before that, there was an eclipse that passed over seven towns named Salem, and Nineveh is the battle where Rome lost its power to prevent the rise of Islam, thus marking a battle that you win, but you’re not empowered by, as what’s about to take place with Putin as he wins the Ukrainian war, but he’s not going to be benefited by that.
So I don’t know how to apply all that, but I’m aware of that happening.
It’s 1260 days since the first time you spoke, if I believe, if I’m right, it’s 1260 days, I believe.
Are you reading the articles? Just, I don’t care whether you are or not, but are you reading the articles?
Questioner: I read some of them, yes.
Jeff: Because I would think you would be better off reading the articles than counting days.
All right, Jeffrey, you have a good Sabbath.
Good hearing from you. Good hearing from you.
Hello, happy Sabbath, one and all. So I just had an observation again in the notes today about the, I’m noticing that Panium is becoming more and more centralized and the focal point of Elder Jeff’s studies, his past studies in the past couple of weeks. And Panium, it was rarer to start out with, but Panium is becoming like the central point and Panium and Actium. And in your notes today, Elder Jeff, you mentioned that the word, like the word “Pan”, we already knew this from previous years. And Panium is derived from the word Pan, which is a Greek word. And you say in your notes here that the word Pan is in Greek mythology. And Pan is a God of shepherds, flocks, rustic music.
So when I said the word “music”, it just reminded me of Nashville because Nashville is known to be Music City, and it’s the music capital of the world. So I’m probably just putting one and one together and getting four, but yeah, I’m just making the kind of, the suggestion, maybe a speculation, you could call it what you will, but I’m suggesting that Panium could potentially take place next year because Nashville was the, it says here in your notes, Greek mythology, Pan, music, the love of music. And then also there’s a temple.
You say here as well that Panium with I-U-M at the end, you can use the example stadium or temple. And there’s a temple in Nashville, the Parthenon, which is a duplicate of the original, which is in Athens, Greece. In Athens, Greece, if you look through history, look back at history, you can see that that’s where the Olympics took place. So, and also that, one moment, I’m just looking. Yeah, so sports and music, they go back to the word Pan, which is Panium.
And then you have, yeah, these are just some thoughts and kind of views that came to my mind on the word Pan and connecting it to Nashville. So I could be right or I could be wrong on that. Thank you.
Pan and Actium, Panium and Actium are interesting words and they join at the Sunday Law, but we never got to that today.
Hi, thank you. I won’t be long. I just want to thank you for all the work, Jeff, Clayton, and Patrick, and the time and effort, and whoever else is helping to bring us this information. I’ve appreciated the transcriptions of these presentations on the FFA website, but I’ve noticed that there wasn’t the one for last Sabbath and I wondered if that was after what’s been said today, that it was because of the correction.
Yes, I took it down.
Okay, and I’m just wondering if today’s will be, the transcription will be on there.
Yes. It will.
Thank you.
For us to put it on the web, like, Jeremy will transcribe it and send it to us. And then when it’s Canadian, they transcribe it and send it to us, and then we put it on the web. So it’s not in our bailiwick to determine when we get it, but when we get it, we put it up.
That’s great, because I like to print it off. So thank you very much. Okay, that’s all. Thank you.
Okay, so you had mentioned in the presentation before, that Leviticus 26 verse 40, and I’m assuming you meant 41 also, but I just want to emphasize that whereas verse 40 says that they, it says, if they shall confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers, et cetera. But then 41 says, and that I, God, also have walked contrary unto them. Yes. So can you speak to that?
Yeah, in the articles where we address that early on, I took time to deal with that. I don’t go back and try to bring every point to it, but we have to acknowledge that if you’re, if you find yourselves in the enemy’s land, you have to confess your sins and the sins of your fathers, but you also have to admit that God was not leading you, that He was walking contrary to you.
You can’t say that the three and a half days that you lay dead in the street, that you were doing a work for the Lord, or you may still have been doing your Christian activities. I’m not saying that, but you have to acknowledge that God was walking contrary to you. It’s a hard saying, but it speaks to what probably several people have, that William was expressing, that the idea that the Millerites didn’t manifest any disobedience at the first disappointment, and our history is a perfect parallel to theirs, so how could our first disappointment be disobedience? And I get that, but until you reconcile that they were Philadelphians and we’re Laodiceans, and then you plug in the truths of the Leviticus 26 prayer, those truths (all the truths of the Bible are speaking more about our day and age), about the sealing of the 144,000 than any other time.
And there isn’t any place you’re gonna find in the scriptures where those that are the 144,000, they’re called the outcasts of Israel, and the scriptures say that He begins to raise them up when He reverses their captivity. The scripture testimony of the 144,000 is repeatedly identifying that whoever the 144,000 are, they come out of a captivity, and the classic captivity is Leviticus 26, and when you come out of a captivity, you have to acknowledge that you were in that captivity because of your sins, and the sins of your fathers, and that during that captivity, God was not walking with you, He was walking contrary to you.
And that is more specific to 2023 than any other period in history, ‘way more specific than Daniel 9.
Amen. Yes, I agree 100%. The other question I had, which is a totally different subject, but you were mentioning about the elements of 9-11, the events of 9-11.
Yeah. Okay. One of the elements, as we all know, is that at 9-11, there was at once a loosening and a restraining.
Questioner: Yes.
Jeff: And what was the question?
Yeah. I guess more or less, I was gonna ask you to comment on that, but also it seems to have something to do with, well, it does have something to do with the holding, the restraining, of the four winds, and it just kind of speaks to the study this afternoon, but I just wanted to just, if you have any further comments on that particular point, at the same time, you have a, other than what we’ve already understood historically, you know, a restraining and then a, or rather, a loosening and a restraining.
Well, they were loosening at 9-11 and then they were restrained, but they keep slipping through the angel’s hands. And when you get to October 22nd, they’re loosed again, and Israel’s put a restraint on them, at least upon the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
But as we approach the Sunday law, where the Third Woe is gonna be really released again, you see the whole world, it’s amazing, the whole world is turning against literal Israel and siding with Islam.
But when Islam strikes at the Sunday law and national apostasy is followed by national ruin, the saying is, “When the United States sneezes, the whole world gets a cold”, the whole world’s nations are gonna be angered, and Islam is gonna be released, and the nations are gonna come to restrain it.
And when the full restraint of the four winds [is released], according to inspiration, is when Michael stands up, human probation closes. Islam is fully released when Michael stands up.
So it’s a progression of loosening, restraining, loosening, restraining, and you can trace it all the way back to Hagar and Ishmael. The very first reference to Hagar and Ishmael is this restraint of Islam. I mean, that was the issue of Abraham and Sarah. And God said to Abraham, go ahead and put a restraint on Hagar, because Sarah wanted a restraint put on her and her son.
So from the very beginning, all the way through, this loosening and restraint is part of their story. But when it comes to the East Wind, it says it’s as a woman in travail. So it keeps beginning, keeps getting more severe and closer and closer together.
Yes, you jogged my memory as to what I was gonna ask you about that. So I think you answered it in that because of the elements of 9-11 being repeated, you know, they’re happening again. So we should expect then for a loosening and then a restraining again.
They will be loosed again at the Sunday law. I believe they were loosed on October 7. I think it’s a signature of “Truth” that the three primary strikes, and the sealing time of the 144,000 is 9-11, October 7th, 2023, and the Sunday Law. And in each of those three attacks, it’s against the “glorious land”.
But the literal ancient glorious land is the middle one. That’s the 13th letter. And literal blood Israel is the symbol of rebellion. But in each of those cases, at 9-11 the glorious land is struck and then it retaliates. It puts a restraint on Islam. October 7th, the ancient glorious land is struck, and ancient Israel puts a restraint on it. And then at the Sunday Law, our glorious land once again will be struck. And then the Third World War, Actium, is underway, full-blown.
The thing is, Actium and Panium join, it’s got several elements in the symbolism that shows the beginning of the Third World War. Panium was a ground war, but it joins with Actium, which was a sea battle. [In the] Old World, “Pan”, meaning “panorama” and “Act”, meaning the Sunday Law Act. That’s where it [pan-war] begins, and at that point, the Third World War comes suddenly, and the Seventh Trumpet is sounded, and the nations are angered, according to Revelation 11, during the time of the hour of the Great Earthquake. Yeah, and at the Sunday Law, I mean that chapter in Great Controversy, The Final Warning, there is a restraint.
She does mention the powers of those that oppose the truth, especially in the government of the U.S., will be restrained that the third angel may go forward.
One more thing, kind of speaking to William’s question a while ago, it’s interesting, okay, the 13th rule, notice that the 13th rule of Miller’s Rules of Bible Interpretation states, “To know whether we have the true historical event for the fulfillment of prophecy, if you find every word of the prophecy, after the figures are understood, is literally fulfilled, then you may know that your history is the true event. But if one word lacks a fulfillment, then you must look for another event, or wait its future development. For God takes care that history and prophecy all agree, so that the true believing children of God may never be ashamed.”
The Millerites, they took heed to that 13th rule of Bible Interpretation. October 22nd, 1844, there was a definite fulfillment of prophecy. You can’t find that for July 18th. And, you know, it’s interesting, not only that it’s the 13th rule, the symbol of rebellion, but it says, ”but if one word lacks a fulfillment, then you must look for another event, or its future development, or wait its future development.”
It seems sort of that comes into play there. You know, nothing happened on July 18th, 2020, so we look for another fulfillment. I’m not sure if that fits or not, but anyway. I have no comment. I mean, that was just a comment of yours. I have no problem with it. It’s interesting.
Hi, thank you. This goes back to the conversation between yourself, Elder Jeff, and William, Brother William. This is something that has been in our Sabbath conversation for the last several weeks, and I just, I really appreciate your input that the transition from Laodicea into Philadelphia means that we have to repent.
That’s part of the reason, because anyone who was born since 1863 has been part of Laodicean Adventism, and if, to transition into Philadelphian Adventism, there is a repentance, there is a recognition of rebellion that has to be made, so I really appreciate that aspect being brought into it, because, I think the thing that has been a struggle is, the issues have been confused, in that the July 18th error has been compared to October 22nd, as both being great disappointments, and looking at the solidity of the evidence that that underpins each of those predictions was the issue, and I think that is why the repentance is not forthcoming, because of the insistence, or perception, that that evidence is solid, and God was being, was leading His people through that evidence to that date.
In both cases, October 22nd, and July 18th, and since the Millerites, they made a prophecy based on time and didn’t repent of that, and their prophecy was a mistake, and they didn’t repent of that, then why should there be a repentance for something in 2020 that was based on solid evidence, that was based on time, but it was solid evidence?
And why should there be a repentance for basically what is being said are the same issues, but you see the confusion there, is it not?… those are not the issues, so I think it’s, I just wanted to put that into, I don’t know if this is going into the transcript or not, but if it is, the clarification of the actual issues needs to be understood, and I think by reading the articles, that that is made very clear, there’s a lot of articles to go through to find that clarity, so just bringing that forward as a point to look for, it is my goal with this comment.
You know, I haven’t been involved with any of those discussions, but what comes into my mind, you know, when I hear it, I don’t have any confidence in identifying July 18th as October 22nd, 1844, for whatever reason. My wife and I immediately understood it after that date, anyway, we didn’t buy it, but so what I would counter with is, if the Millerite history perfectly illustrates our history, and if you believe, as most people involved in either side of this issue do, that September 11th, 2001 was a repetition of August 11th, 1840, if you don’t believe that, you’re not even in the discussion, the mighty angel of Revelation 10 came down, typifying the mighty angel of Revelation 18 coming down, and Sister White says the purpose of both of them was to lighten the earth with his glory, so on and so forth.
September 11th, 2001 was the empowerment of the message that was unsealed at “the time of the end”. August 11th, 1840 was the empowerment of the message that was unsealed in 1798, so if you’re going to identify the disappointment of July 18th, 2020, as October 22nd, 1844, then where is the first disappointment between September 11th and July 18th? …because you’re to fulfill the parable of the 10 virgins to the very letter, and the very heart of the parable of the 10 virgins is the first disappointment, which it ushers in the tarrying time, that leads to this understanding of the Midnight Cry, that leads to the great disappointment.
If July 18th, 1844 is October 22nd, 1844, there has to be a tremendous disappointment between September 11th and July 18th, so where is it?
Amen. Yes, I totally agree, that I am aware, many of us are aware, the thinking is that the great, or the first disappointment being a momentous disappointment was November 9th, 2019.
Yeah. I know it’s…
Yeah. It’s always got a counterfeit out there, but that, okay, well, anyway, I won’t run down that road, I haven’t been involved with that. Let’s put it this way, then, I’ll give you another argument for this. No, I won’t, I’ll just leave it, that’s interesting.
Okay, thank you very much. Thank you.
Yeah, I think she was talking about 2019, November 9th, but anyway, I was going to say this concerning Daniel, what he said about something that did happen on July 18th, and that was that “Nineveh” was warned, Nashville was warned about the coming crisis that’s going to happen on Nineveh, so that’s what happened on July 18th.
I just want to come back to what has been said, because I don’t understand, about, I mean, maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t see July 18 as October 22nd, because they had the date, the date was wrong, but it was based on prophecy, the subject was right, so it’s only the date was wrong. For July 18, the date may have been right, but there was no, I mean, we shouldn’t have prophesied, basically, and saying that we warned, it was important because we warned Nashville, they had already been warned by other people, so it was not new, just for us it was new, so I think that we have, at some point, to admit that, yes, it was wrong, and we move on.
Yeah, I would just add to what you’re saying, is that October 22nd, 1844, the date was correct, but the event was wrong, and on July 18, the date was incorrect, and the event was wrong, and if you’re going to say that that is Jonah warning Nineveh, then that story testifies to the fact that everyone from the king of Nineveh, down to all the public, they all repented. That didn’t happen.
Questioner: Yeah.
Hello, it’s Brother Marcus, I’m from Switzerland. I just wanted to ask a simple question. Happy Sabbath to everyone, and this is in relation to the prophecies and the issue of repentance, when it comes to the Daniel’s prayer, and of course what we find in Leviticus 26, it’s basically about the movement, as in confessing our sins and the sins of our fathers.
In our current situation, should we be confessing the sins of the movement or the Seventh-day Adventist church altogether? That’s just my question. Thank you.
I don’t think you can separate the movement from Adventism. The Millerite history is the beginning of Adventism, and the 144,000 is the end of Adventism, and the work that’s represented by the three angels begins with the movement, the Millerite movement, and therefore it’s going to end with a movement, and in between they wander in the wilderness for 40 years, the wilderness of Laodicea, however you want to describe it.
But ancient Israel’s sin, that put them in the wilderness for 40 years, was the rebellion at Kadesh, and when they were ready to finally go into the promised land after 40 years, there was another rebellion at Kadesh, but they went in the promised land [anyway], the first rebellion being the 10 spies rejecting Joshua and Caleb’s message, the last rebellion at the second Kadesh was Moses striking the rock twice, so the beginning movement, the time period of wandering in the wilderness of Laodicea, is the ending movement, it’s all sacred history.
And then when you look at it, you’ll find that the first truth that William Miller discovers is the seven times, and the truth that the Lord tried to unseal in 1856, that would have kept them out of the wilderness of Laodicea, was [further light on] the seven times.
He’s represented in the beginning and ending, and when He returned to initiate this sealing again, at 9-11, He led His people to the seven times, and then after this first disappointment, He opens up [further light on] the seven times, I don’t think you can separate either movement, or even the time period in the wilderness.
Every major rebellion along the way has a contribution to make towards our history, that we went through in the articles, I don’t know if you’ve followed along, but I’ve shown that in the four generations of Adventism, every one of the rebellions that takes place in those four generations, whether it’s 1863, or 1888, or 1919, or 1957, they all are the issue that produces the temptation to rebel, and they all re-occur at 9-11, every one of them.
And 9-11 is the beginning of the sealing process. And [now] we’re in the ending of the sealing process. So the sins of the fathers is going to include all of those four primary rebellions that’s represented by the image of jealousy, the secret chambers, the weeping for Tammuz and the bowing down to the sun.
So anyway, good to hear from Switzerland.
Shall we pray?
Heavenly Father, we thank You for this Sabbath. We see the time is short and that You are attempting to accomplish Your work of combining Your divinity with our humanity for eternity, that You might have an ensign to lift up in this coming crisis. We ask that You would guide us into all truth, that we might be part of that number.
We thank You for the freedom that we have to interact. We know that the powers that be are working to shut down these kinds of communication lines. So we’re thankful that You’ve allowed us to take advantage of them at this time, in Jesus name, amen.
Thank you, Jeff. Thank you. Have a good week and a good rest of the Sabbath. Thank you, Jeff. Thank you, happy Sabbath. God bless, happy Sabbath. Thank you, brother Jeff.