Notes: Presentation Notes PDF
Shall we begin with prayer? Amen. Heavenly Father, as we spend some time together this Sabbath, we ask for your Holy Spirit to guide and direct in our discussion and our study, ask a blessing upon our time. We ask for your presence, that you might bring conviction and enlightenment on these subjects we’re going to handle. And we thank you for these things in Jesus’ name, amen. Amen.
Yeah. Well, I’m going to, I have to start to, I have to give a testimony, my own testimony about what happened after the disappointment of July 18th. In order to explain this particular presentation, and it will take a little while, but July 18th, the disappointment hit. And shortly thereafter, I began to understand things prophetically, but of course everything was scattered and depressed. And not too long after that, we put the school up for sale because we weren’t going to try, Kathy and I weren’t going to try to run it when there wasn’t anyone there. And we were, we were just totally bankrupt on the whole idea of a ministry. And I heard through the grapevine, some people thought that was kind of an act of apostasy or whatever. But in reality, it was a really complex piece of real estate, 13 acres with various buildings on it, a commercial greenhouse, a studio, a commercial kitchen, some home sites. And it’ sold in seven days, which to us, we could see the Lord was still leading, even though we didn’t feel like the Lord was leading, we were discouraged and scattered like everyone else.
And after we got that resolved, Kathy and I, my wife had the conviction to get our house in order. We still figured it was the end of the world, and we figured we were done with ministry and we just need to get every little project in our personal life done that we needed to get done. So we started doing that. We took a vacation, and on the vacation Kathy started getting sick. We came back home and we thought (by that time it was springtime), we thought it was her sinuses that would usually flare up in the springtime. And so we came back home after that trip and her sinuses weren’t clearing up.
So we actually took another trip to Colorado because the times we’ve been in Colorado, the dry air would dry out her sinuses. And once we got there, we realized that she wasn’t getting any better. So we came home and got her diagnosed and realized that she had a very rare disease, not much time left. And the Lord continued to reveal stuff to us. And initially what I was understanding is what He was teaching us was prophetic information, but it was in a more personal context. It was giving us a peace about the idea that the Lord was going to lay Kathy to rest, which He did. And she went to sleep in the Lord. And of course, when that happened, I went into a period of mourning, but I kept, things kept opening up to me, but I didn’t feel like it was anything I was concerned about sharing publicly. It’s just, I was seeing things and I figured my time in the public arena was over.
So I continued finishing up some projects that Kathy and I had had started, personal projects around the property. And then I reached a point in July of last year where I was out, I reached a point where I was finished doing a work, this little big work I’d been doing on a tractor. And one day kept getting the impression, what are you doing here? What are you doing here? So I determined, even though it wasn’t intended for public consumption, that I was going to go ahead and I was going to write out these things that I’d been understanding since the disappointment, and just put it into public record, no matter what happened to me or who listened to it or who didn’t listen to it.
And at the same time, two days before, three days before, my son, who lives on the same property, he determined he was going to go in, and just because he felt like doing it, and revisit the old Future for America website and start looking at it, either shut it down or get it going or whatever. And he started looking into that at the same time I decided I was going to write. And when I began writing, I really didn’t have any restrictions because I wasn’t writing it for anyone but myself, so to speak.
But once he decided, and we decided, that we were going to put it on the Web, then he had some restrictions that needed to be put in place because he realized he could very easily get everything translated into different languages, but it would only be easy if I wasn’t writing these articles that were like 30 pages long, in order to process a piece of information through the translation process. There was a limitation on words. It’s like the program that was translating into a different language could only take in so many words. And if you were going to do more than that, then he would be having to divide up all my articles. And it was a big project.
So through the Lord’s Providence, we got restricted down to five or six page articles so that we could easily put them on the Web. Later on, I understood, I believe that that was the Lord controlling it because it forced me to present smaller pieces of information. And I would also be forced to recap what I’d said in the previous article. So it was a better teaching process. And I still believed early on that I was just putting this in the record for posterity.
But as soon as he got the website up and running with some of these articles, almost overnight, people around the world started following what was going on. And we were locked into a process of just moving forward. And then I realized that when I first started, I had some ideas about what I wanted to write about prophetically. But I realized that the Lord was controlling what I was writing, and He wanted me to go into the book of Daniel. And after I got into the book of Daniel, I realized that by the time I get done with the book of Daniel, I will have said everything I wanted to say on Daniel and Revelation.
So I realized He was leading. And all along the way, things would open up that would just amaze me. You know, more than once. I would write something and realize what I had written, and I would sit here at this desk and just cry, overwhelmed with how profound some of these things were.
And then here recently, I know that we only got about 120 articles roughly out there on the Internet, but I’m writing in the 170’s. And I would tell myself, there’s no way that He’s going to show me anything that’s more profound than what He just showed me. And within a couple of days. I would see something that was just unbelievable. And I would realize that early on in the articles, I was adding little, little pieces of information in, not thinking they were that necessarily important, but I was adding them in. And I was realizing later on that they needed to be there for building blocks, for some of these things that I was going to see later on to already have put the logic in place.
So I’m at the point now where I’m convinced that this is all of the Lord. He was the one that was orchestrating every bit of this. He pulled my son and I out of our discouragement and our mourning. Clayton was always a mama’s boy, and when she was laid to rest it was just as traumatic for him as it was for me. And we were discouraged and down for a long time.
And. So here recently, in the past week, things that have been opened up. That are identifying that the sealing of the hundred and forty four thousand is almost complete, it’s almost over. And I realized that I’m almost through with Daniel, a lot with the book of Daniel, Daniel eleven, and when I’m through, I’ve got some kind of conviction in my mind. I think it’s valid that I’m done writing articles so I can see the end of the tunnel.
But this new information that I’m handling also is just so profound and so solemn in its implications that I realized that, for the first time, that I wasn’t just willing to start sharing some things publicly like I’m doing, but I was convicted that I need to because time’s running out. So I volunteered to do so last week.
And then I had something happen to me that, that just really kind of amazed me once I had set up having this meeting this Sabbath, and perhaps next Sabbath, to start through these things. I realized that many, if not the majority of the people that might be on this Zoom chat right now, haven’t been studying the articles, and therefore there would be many truths that have been established in the articles, that needed to be understood before I could teach anything about what I wanted to say about right now, about the sealing process.
And as I woke up to that, I realized I hadn’t paid attention all the way along through these articles over the last six months. I was amazed at the truths that were coming together. But by the time I got to a new truth, I had forgotten, not forgotten, but it’s just the first truth, the second truth, kind of slipped into the back of my mind.
So when I volunteered to do this last week, I was confronted with the idea that there are several, (I’m looking at a piece of paper), I jotted down several truths that are established in these articles over the past six months that are almost absolutely necessary to understand in order to get the conclusion that I would hope to give you this Sabbath, the next Sabbath.
And let me count … three, six, nine, 12, 15, there’s eight, …I have 18 topics sitting here on a piece of paper that, from my perspective, if you don’t have some kind of understanding about what I mean by these particular topics, then you won’t understand. It’ll be difficult for you to understand what I’m saying about the Ukraine war being the point, the conclusion of the Ukraine war being the point, where the sealing of the 144,000 actually gets impressed, but it does.
The first, the first one of those truths (I’m going to give you an overview of them before we even get into our notes). The first one of those truths is when we began this process, [when] the Lord convicted my son to start on the website and I decided I’m going to start writing. And if you’ve looked, if you’ve read the initial articles, you’ll see that they were more scattered. They weren’t just on Daniel and that I was long-winded. And then I realized I couldn’t be long-winded because of the process of putting it on the Web and getting it translated.
I tell you, just as a side note, how we started this at the end of July and right now there’s 117 countries around the world that are following this. The the the amount of time that people are spending reading these things around the world just in the last week has went up through the roof!
It’s, it’s incredible what’s happening, people around the world are beginning to read this. We have the articles in English that you can download, you can print out, or you can listen to on audio, but they’re also in over 60 and other languages, and early on we realized that this was all in fulfillment of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, which is the last thing that is unsealed prophetically, and the Revelation of Jesus Christ in Revelation chapter 1 says, blessed is he who readeth and heareth those words that are written, and we realized early on that this website had accomplished that without us even realizing it, that people are being blessed by reading it, and blessed by hearing it in fulfillment of Revelation chapter 1, and the translation process is essentially perfect.
In these other languages, people are hearing it in their own tongue without any of the translation errors that we would have usually expected five years ago. These AI translation processes are just incredible, but when we first started, Clayton and I always have worship together, and he came over one morning, and he came across the word “emet”, the Hebrew word “emet” translated as “Truth”, and it was right at the beginning, and it was the key that opened all of this up, and if you haven’t looked at the articles that say, that ask the question, “What is Truth?”, then you don’t understand this Hebrew word and the fact that this is the signature of the truth of Christ.
The Hebrew word “truth” is created by three Hebrew letters, the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and in the middle is the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and that provides a prophetic structure that virtually every truth that we’ve discovered over the last six months gets confirmed, because it fits into that pattern that the first waymark illustrates the last waymark, and the waymark in the middle illustrates some kind of rebellion because the number 13 is rebellion.
And so the word “truth” that Clayton came across, this Hebrew word, right at the beginning, gave us a key to look at the things that we were studying, and if you check this out, if you Google it, you’ll realize that the Hebrew scholars have been studying this Hebrew word that is “truth”, you know, forever. It’s a really, really profound word in many, many ways. So if you don’t understand that, if you haven’t studied the articles to that point, then any of the conclusions that I might give you today without first pointing you to towards that, you wouldn’t see the significance of it, perhaps.
Another truth that we came to understand right after the disappointment was that there was a transition that took place in the history of 1844 to 1863 where the Millerite movement changed from Philadelphia to Laodicea. That history from 1844 to 1863 typifies our history from 9-11, September 11, 2001, until the Sunday Law, and therefore there would be a transition in our history from the Laodicean movement to the Philadelphian movement. And this transformation that takes place was typified in the Millerite history, and it [also] speaks to the idea that the eighth is of the seven.
The papacy in Revelation 17 is the eighth kingdom, that is of the seven, but the United States is the image of the beast, so it too is going to manifest the characteristic of being the eighth that’s of the seven, but the United States has two horns, a Republican horn and a Protestant horn, and Trump is going to be the eighth president since Ronald Reagan in the time of the end in 1989, and he is going to be of the seven because he was also the sixth president, and Trump got “slain” on November 4, 2020, and the Protestant horn got slain on July 18, 2020, and both of those horns, the Republican and Protestant horn, they get resurrected and stand on their feet again here in the very near future.
One gets lifted up as an ensign, and the other one gets lifted up as the image of the beast. That transition, … if you haven’t followed the articles and the witnesses that support that history then it would be difficult for you to understand what needs to be understood about Daniel 11, verse 10, because Daniel 11, verse 10 is the key that identifies that the sealing is now taking place. I’m not trying to explain it now. I’m just pointing you forward to that.
If you’re familiar with the first verses in the book of Revelation, let me grab my Bible real quick. The first verse in Revelation chapter 1 is identifying the theme of every truth that we’ve come across since we started these articles. It says, “…the revelation of Jesus Christ,” this is verse 1, “…which God gave unto him to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass, and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John, who bare record of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus, and of all things that he saw. Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written, for the time is at hand.”
Now, when we first started writing these articles, we didn’t fully understand the implication of those first three verses. I don’t fully understand them, but I know what they mean now more than I did before. And what it means is that the combination of humanity and divinity does not sin, and the sealing of the 144,000 is the combination of humanity and divinity.
That is the work that Christ does in the most holy place. He seals the 144,000, and He does that. He seals the 144,000 through the power of His prophetic word, which came from His Father, which He gave to Gabriel, which Gabriel gave to John, and there you have the combination of humanity and divinity, and John then sends this message to the churches. And what I’m saying is, is what’s been going on over the last six months, is the message that does represent the combination. It accomplishes the combination of humanity and divinity being combined where they do not sin, and the combination of humanity and divinity being combined is the message that is unsealed, and virtually every message that you’ll find in these articles is speaking to that very subject.
So I want you to see that if you understand Revelation chapter one, the thing that Christ identifies Himself more than any other is that He’s the first and the last, the Alpha and the Omega, that He illustrates the end of the thing with the beginning of a thing, and where we’re at today, we’re the end of the Millerites.
The Millerites were the messengers of the first and second angels’ messages, and we are the messengers of the third, but you can’t separate the three angels’ messages. The Millerites were the beginning, and we’re the ending, and one of the first things that has to be understood, if you’re going to understand the message that’s unsealed at the end, is that what began as a movement ends as a movement, and the Millerite movement was typifying the movement of Future for America. In spite of that sounding all boastful or prideful, it’s an absolute fact. Future for America is the movement that was typified by the Millerite movement, and as such, it’s typified by John as he gets the message, the divine message, and sends it out to the churches, and the divine message that is sent out to the churches that is the Revelation of Jesus Christ is these messages that have been going out in these articles over the past six months, and if you’re going to be ready for what’s about to take place, you need to begin to study these messages. It’s all there because I can tell from what I’m understanding, we’re right at the end of the message, and the end of the message is the final binding [off] of the 144,000.
So anyway, if you have a pen in front of you, if you’re not familiar with anything that I’m saying, if you haven’t been reading the articles, if you draw for yourself a line and you put three way marks on it, beginning and an ending, and in the middle, that first way mark represents the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The second way mark would represent the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and the third way mark would represent the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet.
There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet, by the way, 22 being a symbol of the combination of divinity and humanity, but you will find that these sacred histories that are illustrating our, the time in which we are living, will have these three way marks. The number 13 in the middle is a symbol of rebellion, and the first way mark will always illustrate the last way mark, and the rebellion in the middle lets a student of prophecy see, if he chooses to see, that that history is aligning with the history of September 11th to the Sunday Law.
The history of September 11th, 2001 to the Sunday Law is the sealing of the 144,000, and it is the history where Ezekiel says in chapter 12 that the effect of every vision takes place. So, every line of prophecy gets placed in there, and you can have a certainty that it fits in there if it has this signature of truth.
I’ll give you an example before I move on, and I know I’m just speaking now, this isn’t a study, I’m just giving you an overview, but I’ll give you an example, and that the history of the sealing of the 144,000, it begins and ends with an attack of Islam. 9-11, there was an attack of Islam, and at the Sunday Law, Islam will strike the United States again. There are many, many biblical witnesses to support that. It’s airtight. The national apostasy that’s followed by national ruin, that national ruin is from a strike of Islam.
So, the beginning, September 11th, illustrates the end, because the 144,000 are sealed in that period of time, and in the middle, you’re going to find another strike of Islam, and you’ll find that on October 7th, 2023. On October 7th, 2023, Islam of the third woe struck Israel. So, what you have in that prophetic line, you have Islam of the third woe striking the glorious land at September 11th, 2001, and then you have it striking the ancient glorious land on October 7th, 2023, and then it strikes the glorious land again at the Sunday Law.
That middle waymark is Israel, literal Israel, the war that’s going on there right now, and if there’s ever a symbol of rebellion, it’s Jerusalem of old that crucified their Messiah. So, the middle -waymark represents the number 13 in the Hebrew word that is translated as “truth”, and the first waymark illustrates the last waymark, but all the waymarks are tied together by the same thing.
That’s an illustration of both the fact that these prophetic lines are all being fulfilled from September 11th to the Sunday Law, but it’s also giving you an illustration of how you can test these lines based upon the word “truth”.
Okay, switching gears, what I’m doing right now is I’m giving you an overview of truths that we have established in these articles that if you’re not familiar with them, you will find a difficult time understanding that Putin is about to win the Ukraine war, and then the United States is about to defeat Putin in verse 13 of Daniel 11.
And when the United States defeats Putin, Donald Trump is first going to implement martial law in the United States. And that may seem like it’s just a casual, unfounded observation, but I’m saying that it was the authority of God’s word with several witnesses. And we’re almost there, we’re almost there.
So one of the truths that we’ve dealt with along the way, if you haven’t followed, is that when the angels arrived in Millerite history, they are always thereafter empowered. The first angel arrived in 1798 and it was empowered on August 11th, 1840. The second angel arrived on April 19th, 1844, and it was empowered at the midnight cry at the Exeter camp meeting, August 12th through 17th, 1844. And the third angel arrived on October 22nd, 1844, and it would have been empowered, but God’s people rebelled against it. The empowerment was going to take place in 1856 with further light on the seven times of Leviticus 26, but God’s people in that history chose to reject that empowerment and wander in the wilderness of Laodicea until they died.
From 1844 to 1863, you have a history of the work of the third angel that arrived at the beginning on October 22nd, 1844. It would have been empowered if God’s people would have accepted the Laodicean message that was given in 1856, and they would have finished the work, according to Ellen White, as of 1863 onward, but because of their disobedience, they were destined to wander in the wilderness of Laodicea and you will never, ever, ever find any passage in the Bible or the spirit of prophecy that suggests that Laodicea is saved any more than you will find any passage in the Bible or spirit of prophecy that teaches that those people that rejected the message of Joshua and Caleb and were condemned to die in the wilderness over 40 years were to be saved. None of them were. And the Laodicean church does not get saved. It’s very hard to stomach that truth if you’re a Seventh-day Adventist, but you can’t find an inspired passage that contradicts that.
So from 1844, you have the arrival of the third angel’s message. Until 1863, you have the rebellion of 1863, and what you have is you have an illustration of September 11th when the third angel’s message arrived again, until the Sunday law. In the first history, you have an illustration of rebellion, and in the second parallel history, you have an illustration of obedience, the obedience of the 144,000. It’s the same history, same test with a different outcome.
If you don’t understand the dynamics of 1863, it’s difficult to understand the transition that takes place because in 1856, James and Ellen White both identified Millerite Adventism as in the Laodicean condition, and they never came out of it. They had been Philadelphians, and they changed to Laodiceans in 1856, and when you place that history in our history, it means that in the middle of our history, we will have been Laodiceans, and we changed to Philadelphians, and this is the key to understanding the eighth being of the seven, all right?
Another subject, all these subjects are so profound, and there was so much evidence in the articles to support what I’m saying. I’m sorry if you’re listening to these things for the first time, but time is too short, not to address them.
The seven thunders before 9-11, we had understood that the seven thunders represented the history of the first and second angels’ message, as Sister White says, though, but she also says it represents future events that will be disclosed in their order. So we understood the seven thunders represented the history of 1798 to 1844, which was the history of the first and second angels’ message, but we also understood that the seven thunders could be applied to the history when the first angel was empowered in 1840 until 1844. Symbols have more than one meaning, and the seven thunders could represent both the complete history of the Millerites from 1798 to 1844, or it could just represent 1840 when the mighty angel descended until 1844, and that’s what we understood, correctly, until after our first disappointment.
One of the things that was revealed after July 18th, 2020 is that there was a history in the Millerites that is also a history represented by the seven thunders, and it’s the history of the first disappointment, the empowerment at the midnight cry, and the closed door on October 22nd, 1844. The first disappointment marks the arrival of the second angel. The third waymark, October 22nd, 1844, marks the arrival of the third angel, so both the beginning and the ending are the same. They’re the arrival of the angel, and in the middle, at the Midnight Cry, the Midnight Cry is a symbol of rebellion because you find half the virgins there have no oil, and the only reason they have no oil is because they didn’t want any oil.
So in that history, the hidden history of the seven thunders, we had already understood it represented 1798 to 1844, but it also could represent 1840 to 1844, but after our disappointment in July 18th, it was recognized that the seven thunders also represents the history from the first disappointment until the arrival of the third angel, until the door closed, and for us, it represented July 18th, 2020, the first disappointment, and the last waymark is the Sunday Law, and in the middle, there’s an awakening of the virgins and the Midnight Cry where rebellion is to be manifested.
That history where God’s people are awakened is illustrated in Revelation chapter 11 with the two witnesses of Moses and Elijah being slain in the streets, and at one level, you can treat Moses and Elijah as two manifestations within the Protestant horn, the Laodiceans and the Philadelphians, or if you’re gonna look at the Republican horn, Moses and Elijah could represent Republicans and Democrats, but at the big picture, the slaying that took place in Revelation 11 of the two witnesses is the Republican horn and the Protestant horn.
The Republican horn was represented by Donald Trump, the last Republican president, who was “slain” on November 4th, 2020 in an election that was stolen. The Protestant horn was slain on July 18th, 2020 by a false prediction that should have never been done, but was, and when you go back into the reform lines, you find that every first disappointment that is illustrated, except for one represents a rebellion of God’s people. The rebellion of Uzzah touching the Ark in the history of David is the first disappointment. The rebellion of Martha and Mary against Jesus for not coming and resurrecting Lazarus right away. The rebellion of Moses not circumcising his son; those are all illustrations of first disappointments that address July 18th, 2020.
The only one that isn’t a rebellion, an outright rebellion, is the Millerites. The Lord held His hand over a mistake in the chart, but the difference between the Millerites and us is part of the most essential truth of the Millerites and the 144,000, and that is that in that history, they were Philadelphians destined to turn into Laodiceans, and we were Laodiceans destined to turn into Philadelphians. And as Philadelphians, they weren’t disobedient in producing their first disappointment, but as Laodiceans, we were. And we need to confess, if we haven’t already, either privately or publicly, depending on how we proclaimed July 18th, 2020, that that was a false prediction, and it’s illustrated by the reform lines.
And if you’re following this message at all, then you’re following this message because of the reform lines, and the reform lines are the foundation of what you understand, and if you won’t be guided by the reform lines, you will not be guided.
So I’m just touching some things here. There’s so much more to say about Revelation 11. Those two witnesses were slain in 2020, and they were gonna lie in the street for 3 1⁄2 years, 3 1⁄2 days, sorry, and at the end of 3 1⁄2 days, they were gonna be brought back to life, they were gonna stand on their feet, they were gonna become a mighty army, and at this point, you have other lines of prophecy that get combined with Revelation 11.
You have the two prophecies of Ezekiel 37, bringing the dead bones to life. The dead bones are those two witnesses lying in the street. The dead bones and those two witnesses lying in the street is Daniel in chapter 10, who’s mourning for 21 days till he’s given a vision and he’s touched three times. They’re all addressing the same thing, the bringing back to life. In fact, the Life-Giver is Michael the archangel, and Michael came down and resurrected Moses, who was one of the witnesses that was laying in the street, and He didn’t argue with Satan, He just resurrected Moses as He’s resurrecting the two witnesses after the first disappointment on July 18th, and as He resurrected Daniel after the 21 days, and sure enough, in Daniel 10, Michael comes down in that very chapter.
These lines line up perfectly. They’re all teaching the same thing, that what they’re teaching is, is that after July 18th, there was a period of time when the flock was scattered. They were spiritually dead, they were dead, dry bones. They’d been slain by woke-ism. Donald Trump was slain by political woke-ism. Future for America was slain by spiritual woke-ism. That is the beast that comes out of the pit in Revelation 11, atheism.
At the end of that period of time, the dead, dry bones are gonna be brought back to life, and they’re gonna be brought back to life through prophecies that are proclaimed by Ezekiel, prophecies that are proclaimed by a voice crying in the wilderness. Future for America is that voice crying in the wilderness. There has to be a voice, it is that voice. That voice is represented in these articles. Time is too short to pretend otherwise.
So you have this resurrection taking place, and it’s very detailed about the process of the Lord waking up the 144,000 and sealing them, and they have to be sealed before the Sunday law because the only way the world can be warned in the Sunday law crisis is by seeing men and women with the seal of God.
We’re now approaching verse 13 of Daniel 11, which is identifying Trump as the president and identifying the dictatorship that’s about to take place. We’re in the very end of verses 11 and 12 of Daniel 11, and the sealing is about completed.
All right, so anyway, I wanna emphasize that. The seven times.The seven times of Leviticus 26 is the first truth that William Miller discovered. And when the Lord sought to empower the third angel in 1856, He sent increasing light upon the seven times of Leviticus 26, and Millerite Adventism rejected it. The same year is when Ellen and James White identified that Adventism had become Laodicean. So the seven times that was unsealed in 1856 is the Laodicean message. It was the very first message that Miller understood, and it was the last message that was to empower the third angel, and they rejected it.
Therefore, what’s going to bind off the 144,000 is going to be a revelation on the seven times, and the revelation on the seven times comes to light when the two witnesses of Moses and Elijah are resurrected in Revelation 11. Because at that point in time, Daniel the prophet has two prayers. He has a prayer in Daniel 2 and a prayer in Daniel 9, and his prayer in Daniel 9 and Daniel 2 are the prayers that those people that have suffered the first disappointment of July 18th, 2020 must pray for.
The one prayer, in Daniel 2, is for an understanding of the image of the beast of Nebuchadnezzar. And the image of the beast of Nebuchadnezzar is the revelation that that image doesn’t represent the four kingdoms of Bible prophecy. It represents eight kingdoms of Bible prophecy, just as does Revelation 17, and that the eighth kingdom is of the seven. And it is the external message that the 144,000 need to understand.
And in the prayer of Daniel 9, Daniel is praying the Leviticus 26 prayer, which is confessing the sins of his fathers, the sins of himself, and admitting that he has not been walking with God for the three and a half years that he’s been dead in the street as a valley of dry bones. And without making that confession, we’re in deep trouble.
The one, the confession of Daniel 9, is the internal prayer. The final prayer of chapter 2 is the external prayer. One is the illustration of prophetic history outside of God’s people. The other is identifying the internal need for us to be humbled, as was Daniel.
Okay. All right, I had 18 points, and as I’ve waxed on, I think I’ve pretty much covered them all. What I’m saying about those points is, yes, if you haven’t been following the articles, I get it that you don’t know at all what I’m talking about. So be it. My argument is, is if you would read those articles, you would see very sound justification for every claim that I just made and more.
And therefore, we’re running out of time and we’re behind time. So I’ve prepared a series of notes for today’s presentation that I’m just now getting to, and Jeremy is going to control the scrolling of those notes. And I’m going to walk through some subjects. I don’t expect necessarily to get through it today.
And even if I get through all the notes today, I want to tell you out front, what I’m trying to do is prepare a platform so that I can demonstrate that the Ukrainian war is the war of verse 11 and 12 in Daniel 11, and that Putin is going to win that war. And in the very same period of time, Trump is going to be reelected, and Trump is going to right away implement martial law.
And, brother Jeremy, I might throw a curveball at you right now. But before, I don’t want to begin with the beginning of the notes, I want to go to the last page of my notes, which is page 10. And it says, The Alien and Sedition Act. Are you there, Jeremy?
(Yeah, I’m getting there.)
Okay, so you’re following my direction. All right. What I want you all to see, if you will, is that in (Revelation) 17, the story of the United States is the story of the speaking of the United States. The Constitution was spoken by the government of the United States, and the Constitution is what swallowed up the flood of the dragon in Revelation 12, because it says the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood, and the earth beast is the United States. And the Constitution came out of the mouth of the United States and provided a refuge from the flood of persecution.
Refuge from the flood of persecution that came from the kings of Europe and the Church of Rome. And that took place at the beginning of the United States when it spoke the Constitution in 1789. And in that history of the United States, the United States speaks three times leading up to 1798. It speaks in 1776 with the Declaration of Independence. It speaks in 1789 with the Constitution. And then in 1798, which is when it begins to be the sixth kingdom of Bible prophecy, it speaks the Alien and Sedition Act.
Now, before we deal with the Alien and Sedition Act, I want you to see something, if you will. The speaking of the Declaration of Independence is just the opposite of the Alien and Sedition Act in 1798. Therefore, in this history that I’m speaking of, there are three speakings of the United States. The first is the Declaration of Independence that provides liberty. The last is a declaration that takes away liberty. And the middle one is the Constitution, which is to be represented by rebellion or the number 13. And in 1789, 13 colonies ratified the Constitution of the United States.
These three waymarks are the truth. And the third waymark in 1798, the very first time the United States spoke, was the Alien and Sedition Act. And if you’re not familiar with that, you should be amazed with how it speaks to what’s going on in the United States today.
The Alien and Sedition Act were a series of four laws passed by the United States Congress in 1798 during the administration of President John Adams. These laws were highly controversial and were seen by many as an attempt to suppress political opposition and criticism of the government.
Here’s an overview of each of these acts. That’s what Trump’s going to do. He’s going to (cause to) cease, to suppress political opposition and criticism of his government.
The first act was this, the Naturalization Act. This act extended the residency requirement for U.S. citizenship from five to 14 years. It was primarily aimed at immigrants, many of whom were recent arrivals from France and Ireland who tended to support the Democratic Republican Party. And Adams was a member of the Federalist Party. The political opponents, oh, it says that, of Adams and the Federalists.
The second act, Alien and Friends Act. This act authorized the president to deport any non-citizen considered dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States or to imprison them during times of war. It targeted immigrants who were perceived as sympathetic to France and posed a potential threat to the government.
The third act, Alien Enemies Act. This act allowed for the apprehension, restraint, and deportation of male citizens of a hostile nation during times of war. It was primarily aimed at potential threats from French immigrants and those suspected of collaborating with France as tensions between the United States and France were high at that time.
And then the fourth one is the Sedition Act. The Sedition Act made it a crime to publish false, scandalous, and malicious writing against the government or its officials. This act was the most controversial of the four and was used to prosecute journalists, editors, and politicians critical of the Adams administration, particularly those aligned with the Democratic Republican Party.
Critics argued that the Sedition Act violated the First Amendment rights to freedom of speech and press. This is the exact environment that we’re living in now, and these are the acts that are going to get repeated in parallel, not word for word, by Trump, for the same reasons, in fulfillment of verse 13 of Daniel 11.
Verse 13 of Daniel 11 describes the King of the North retaliating against the King of the South, which in our history is the United States against Russia. But as Uriah Smith comments on verse 13, it says that first, Seleucus, the King of the North, had to quell a civil war in his own kingdom.
And Trump is going to do that immediately after he’s elected. And it’s amazing how these acts that were passed in 1798 speak so specifically to the environment that we’re in today. If you’re willing to see, you can see it. And what you see is that the United States is the power that speaks, and it spoke in 1776, it spoke in 1789, and it spoke in 1798, and that history gets repeated from 9-11 to the Sunday Law.
The Declaration of Independence is addressing the Patriot Act. The Alien and Sedition Act is addressing the lead up to the Sunday Law. And in the middle, we’ll deal with what that represents in a moment. But I want to show you something here.
Where I started was that all of these truths are emphasizing the sealing of the 144,000. And the sealing of the 144,000 is the combination of divinity with humanity. And Sister White repeatedly says divinity combined with humanity does not, say, in the 144,000, are not going to sin. It’s because divinity has been combined with humanity.
So let me give you a symbol for divinity combining with humanity that you might see it. In 1611, if you’ve got that line, in 1611, if you put that on the first line, you’ve got the publication of the King James Bible. And then in 1798, you have the unsealing of the King James Bible that produces the light that William Miller is going to understand. And in 1831, you have the publication of the first article by William Miller.
In 1831, William Miller published his understanding of prophecy in a paper called the Vermont Telegraph. And the time period from 1611 to 1831 is 220 years. And the number 220 is the symbol of the combination of humanity and divinity. And when you get to 1831, you have a human that is used to interpret the increase of knowledge from 1798, that came from the divine publication in 1611.
The divine publication in 1611, was unsealed in 1798. And in 1831, William Miller publishes his presentation in the Vermont Telegraph. Vermont is formed from two words. “Mont” means mountain, and “ver” means green. And Ellen White says that green is a symbol of faith. William Miller published his first article in, it came from the mountain of faith, but it was the Vermont Telegraph. And telegraph means a message from far away.
Miller’s message came from the mountain of faith, from God’s holy mountain, his glorious holy mountain, his mountain of faith from far away in 1831. He was the human that was used to understand and proclaim the divine of 1611.
And in the middle, in 1798, you have the unsealing of the book of Daniel, and that unsealing produces two classes of worshipers and it represents rebellion.
220 is a symbol of the combination of humanity and divinity. In 1776, which we were just speaking of, you have the publication of the Declaration of Independence. And in 1989, you have the time of the end in our history, and in 1996, 220 years later, you have the publication called the Time of the End, which is associated to 1989 because that was the time of the end. But the magazine, the Time of the End is identifying the message of our time the same way as Miller’s message was identifying the message of his time. And the Time of the End magazine was derived from a series of 11 articles that came from the magazine called Our Firm Foundation.
So the message of 1996 came from the foundational message and it described the time of the end in 1989 where there was rebellion manifested by one class of worshipers, and it was derived and pointing and directing and identifying the future for America, which began in 1776 with the divine document, the Declaration of Independence.
220 is a symbol of the combination of divinity with humanity, which does not sin. And from 1776 to 1798, in that line of prophecy, you have three publications. You have the Declaration of Independence. You have the Constitution, ratified by 13 colonies. And then in 1798, you have the Alien and Sedition Act. And that history is 22 years. And 22 years is a symbol of the combination of humanity and divinity, because that 22 years is illustrating a history from 9-11 to the Sunday Law, when divinity is going to be combined with humanity as the 144,000 are sealed.
22, 220 is a symbol of the combination of humanity and divinity. And it is not an accident that the two witnesses that were slain in the street in 2020 come back to life in 2023, because 2023 is 22 years after 2001. It’s the same history. And that history takes you to where we’re at today, on the verge of the Alien and Sedition Act, Martial Law, and verse 13, 14, and 15 is the work that Trump does just before verse 16. And verse 16 in Daniel 11 is the Sunday Law.
So we’ve only got the end of verse 12, when Trump, when Putin wins the Ukrainian War, then Trump’s elected, implements Martial Law. Papacy then comes into history in verse 14. And in verse 15, Trump puts an end to the struggle with Russia. And because he’s formed an alliance with the papacy in the previous verse, the Sunday Law is implemented. And our time is rapidly running out.
So, back to page one of the notes, Brother Jeremy.
Elder Jeff?
Just a quick observation there. You could also say John 2:20.
Oh, yeah. That 220 in John. Yeah, I do. Thank you. I’m saving that. I’m sorry. John 2:20, more specifically Habakkuk 2:20.
Until you realize what this, it’s almost impossible to convey the depths of the seven times. The seven times against the Northern Kingdom and the Southern Kingdom is something, if you haven’t read these articles, I am certain that you have no idea what it really represents. And what ties it together is Habakkuk 2:20 and John 2:20. And it’ll absolutely blow your mind. It’s made me weep more than once.
Because those seven times, they are the combination of humanity and divinity, and they’re not (just) time prophecies. One represents the lower nature of man, and one represents the higher nature of man. And when they come together in the most holy place, it’s absolutely amazing. And that’s what’s happening right now.
The two sticks are being joined, and the joining of the two sticks is the combination of humanity and divinity. But I’m getting ahead of myself. Page one of the notes. Brother Jeremy, are you there? (John 18:37 and 38.)
Seeing how we’ve been going for an hour, do we just wanna take a quick five minute break?
That sounds good. Let me pray. Heavenly Father, we thank you for being with us so far. We ask that you’d refresh us here and bring us back here in a moment. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Okay, shall we begin with another word of prayer? Heavenly Father, as we start back up, we ask for your presence, ask for your Holy Spirit, help us to comprehend the significance of the times that we’re living and the depth of this message, the strength of this message, that we might be among those who combine our humanity with your divinity. In Jesus’ name, amen.
I have a few on the first set of the notes. I have a few passages from the scripture that address the word “Truth”. The first one’s from John 18, verses 37 and 38; “Pilate therefore said unto him, are thou a king then? Jesus answered, thou sayest that I am king. To this end was I born. For this cause I came into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Everyone that is of the truth heareth my voice. Pilate saith unto him, what is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews and said, I find no fault in him.”
John 14:6, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man cometh unto the Father but by me.”
One of the things that is a difficult concept to actually internalize, I believe, is that Jesus is Jesus, but He is also the Word. He is the Bible. And if you don’t accept that premise, it’s hard to understand that all the rules of Bible prophecy are a representation of His character, all of them.
But this is the emphasis of the Bible, and I know everyone, Christians who read the Bible, they understand that, but I don’t have a sense that people actually understand the depth of what that means.
In John one, one through four, it says; “In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men.”
So when it comes to sanctifying the 144,000, John 17:17 says, or it says it about sanctifying anyone, “Sanctify them through thy truth, thy word is truth.” But what I’m saying is, is that the key that unseals the revelation of Jesus Christ in the book of Revelation, and in the articles, if you read, you’ll find a very thorough case that the very last truth that is unsealed is the Revelation of Jesus Christ.
It’s the truth that’s unsealed just before human probation closes. And the key to establishing that message, because it’s not a singular message, it’s a very broad message. The key to establishing that message is understanding that the truth is not simply a philosophical concept. It is Jesus, and it is an illustration of a line that has three waymarks on it that allows you to be certain, to have confidence on (the) prophetic passages that you’re addressing.
If you go to, (I’m gonna skip over the long passage from John 6, 51 through 68), and I’m gonna go to the next quote, which is commentary, it’s not from the Bible. And it says, the Hebrew word for “truth” is “emeth”, and it is the subject of study in various contexts, including religious, philosophical, and linguistic studies.
The reason I’m saying that is if you’ve never (and I had never known this, or my son discovered this right at the beginning of our putting the articles out), the Hebrews, and even Christians, but primarily Hebrews, have investigated this word and all the implications of this Hebrew word “truth” for generations. It’s profound, and it really is.
So you have in your notes on the screen, it says “aleph” is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and has the numerical value of one, because it’s the first letter. It is associated with the concept of unity, primacy, and the beginning. Aleph is considered a symbol of the divine and the source of all creation. Its form is composed of two “yods”, connected by a diagonal line representing the duality and unity of existence.
For me, the reason when I came to see this word “truth”, the Hebrew word “truth”, the reason it clicked so quickly for me, is we’ve been teaching for years about these three steps that are the gospel. That in Daniel chapter 12, verse 10, there’s an increase of knowledge that it purifies, makes white, and tries. The three angels’ messages are these three steps. The first angel’s message has these three steps in it. Fear God, give Him glory, the hour of His judgment has come.
These three steps are the three steps that you find in “truth”. So as I was seeing that this Hebrew word “truth” has the same waymarks that we’ve dealt with for years, it’s the three steps of the sanctuary; the courtyard, the holy place, the most holy place. It just clicked for me.
So this first letter, “alpha”, being the primacy one, it’s fear God. It’s the first step, fear God. The next one is give Him glory.
“Mem” is the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet and has the numerical value of 40. In the Hebrew, “mem” means “water”, and its shape is thought to resemble the waves or flowing water. It’s in the second waymark in these prophetic histories that the Holy Spirit’s poured out, the Midnight Cry. It’s the second angel’s message. So you have “water” right there in this letter.
But if you caught what it says, it says this 13th letter also represents the number 40. So why does “one” represent one and the 13th represent 40? And we’re gonna explain that, but I want you to see that these Hebrew letters have numerical meaning, but they have two different types of numerical meaning.
Okay, “one” is what I would call linear; one, two, three, four. 13 represents 13, 22 represents 22, but they have another way of measuring the numerical value of those letters, and we’ll deal with that in a moment.
The third letter, “Tav”, is the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and it’s 22. Don’t miss it, it’s 22. 22 is 220. 22 is a symbol of the combination of humanity and divinity. And the third step is the hour of His judgment has come. And October 22nd, 1844 is when the hour of His judgment came, but that history was prefigured by the cross.
The cross, the disappointment after the cross, typified the disappointment of the Millerites after October 22nd, 1844. They’re parallel waymarks. So if you notice what it says about “Tav” in your notes, if I’m saying that right, “Tav” is the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet and has the numerical value of 400. It is associated with completion, perfection, fulfillment. In Hebrew, “Tav” means “mark” or “sign”.
For us, “Tav”, the third step, is the Sunday law where you either get the mark of the beast or the seal of God. And its original pictograph form resembles a cross or an X-shaped mark. “Tav” can symbolize the end of the cycle or journey as well as being the sealing or finalization of a covenant or agreement.
This letter is shaped like the cross. It’s the third in the three steps that are always there. It’s courtyard, holy place, most holy place. Fear God, give him glory, hour of His judgment has come. First angel’s message, second angel’s message, third angel’s message. The first, the 13th and 22nd letters.
So the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, 22 is simply a tie, the 220. The alphabet is a symbol of the combination of humanity and divinity. Jesus is the Word, He’s the divinity. And that Word got conveyed through humanity in the Hebrew language. It’s the combination of humanity and divinity.
And I’m not gonna do well at what I’m gonna explain to you next, but it’s in your notes. It says, Original Gematria. The one way you can count these letters is that the first letter is worth one, the 13th letter is worth 13, and the 22nd letter is worth 22. But another way that the Hebrews do their numerical values is that one through 10 is one through 10. But once you get to number 11, up to 100, number 11 is worth, they’re by 10s.
Okay, so 11 is going to be, 13, I mean, in what we’re dealing with, its gonna be 40 because it’s gonna have the original 10, one through 10; and then number 11 is a 10, and number 12 is a 10, and number 13 is a 10. So when you add them all together, the number 13 at this secondary way to count in the Hebrew numbering of the letters, is that the number 13 also represents 40.
And when you get to 100, excuse me, then the 21st is going to be that, 21 is gonna be 100, and 22 is gonna be 200. 11 is 100, 12 is 200, 13 is 300. One through 10 is one through 10. So you can see the breakdown below.
If you’re using the secondary way to put a numerical value upon these letters, the first one is worth one, the second one’s worth 40, and the third one’s worth 400. And when you push them all together and let the zeros all drop to the end, it’s 144,000, which are a symbol of the combination of humanity and divinity. And it all takes place within these 22 letters, which are a symbol of the combination of humanity and divinity.
This whole story of the revelation of Jesus Christ that’s being unsealed is the story of the combination of humanity and divinity that’s taking place now in our history, and we’re in the very final movements of it.
Okay. You see the reference- Amen. That’s Palmoni, Amen, references to these three steps of the judgment process in the next few quotes.
And I’m gonna drop to the quote from Review and Herald, July 5th, 1906, which we’re all familiar with, which Sister White says Revelation verses one through three takes place when the great buildings of New York City are brought down by a touch from God. “Now comes the word that I’ve declared….”
I don’t know how, I’m not watching what you’re doing, Jeremy, but I’m now gonna read from Review and Herald, July 5th, 1906, which I’m passing over some quotes.
“Now comes the word that I have declared that New York is to be swept away by a tidal wave. This I’ve never said. I have said, as I looked at the great buildings going up there, story after story, what terrible scenes will take place when the Lord shall arise and shake terribly the earth? Then the words of Revelation 18, one through three will be fulfilled. The whole of the 18th chapter is a warning of what is coming on the earth, but I have no light in particular in regard to what is coming on New York, only that I know that one day the great buildings there will be thrown down by the turning and overturning of God’s power. From the light given me, I know that destruction, one word from the Lord, one touch of his mighty power, and these massive structures will fall. Scenes will take place, the fearfulness, which we cannot imagine.”
So, let me just glance ahead here, try to remember if, yes, okay. I have a couple more quotes before I get to a rather long quote from the Great Controversy, and I wanna just speak to the long quote from the Great Controversy before I move forward. Sister White’s clear that in Millerite history, they came to understand after their first disappointment on April 19th, 1844, they came to understand that they were in the tarrying time. We have to understand that we’re in the tarrying time. And she speaks to the passages of scripture that supported them in that understanding.
And what I’m saying is that if you have any confusion about what July 18th, 2020 is, then you need to shake off that confusion. That was the first disappointment for us. And the history from the first disappointment until October 22nd for the Millerites is illustrating the history that we’re in now. And since July 18th, 2020, we have to awaken to the same truths that the Millerites did. And the truths that they awaken to, that she identifies in Great Controversy, is that they understood three passages in scripture to address the vision tarrying.
One was the parable of the 10 virgins, the tarrying time in that parable. The other was the vision tarrying in Habakkuk chapter two. And the other was Ezekiel 12, verses 21 through 28. And that one isn’t as commonly remembered by Adventists, the passage in Ezekiel, but she quotes it word for word in Great Controversy. So was it important enough to be in there all the way through? And what it’s teaching is …not so much about the tarrying in that particular history, but that every vision, every prophecy in the Bible is fulfilled.
And so what is being taught there is that from the first disappointment until the door closed on October 22nd, 1844, that it’s in that history where all the prophets come together and give their testimony. And that history is speaking to our history from September 11th, 2001 to the Sunday Law. And even more specifically, when you’re speaking about the parable of the 10 virgins, it’s speaking about the history of July 18th, 2020 until the Sunday Law.
Now, the reason that I’m taking time to try to focus in on that history is, I’m claiming, I think these articles prove soundly, that this history from July 18th, 2020 until the Sunday Law, it is very specifically marked out by Inspiration.
Okay, you have Ezekiel in that history that is proclaiming two prophecies, one of them about Islam that brings them to life. But you have Daniel in chapter 10 being touched three times in that history. You have Revelation 11, the two witnesses coming to life. So what I’m saying is once these lines begin to be laid into the history of July 18th to the Sunday Law, the clarity of what takes place in the here and now becomes just airtight.
And it allows you to see that verse 13 of Daniel 11 takes place once Trump’s elected, and lets you know just exactly what he’s gonna do. He’s going to repeat the Alien and Sedition Act, which isn’t the Sunday Law. The Sunday Law is verse 16.
So what I’m saying is the prophetic word that the passage in prophecy where every prophecy is fulfilled according to Ezekiel, is what I’ve called the secret, the hidden history of the seven thunders. It’s from the first disappointment until the closed door. And from the first disappointment to the closed door, you have the first disappointment and the closed door is the last disappointment. For the Millerites, it was the first disappointment and then the great disappointment. For us, it’s July 18th and it’s the Sunday Law. Jesus is the beginning and the ending. And in the middle of that history, you have the Midnight Cry. And at the Midnight Cry, before you get to the Sunday Law, there’ll be one class of virgins that find they don’t have any oil. That’s the rebellion, but that is also the warning. This history right now is identifying that we’re on the verge of that very event. And we either have the oil or we’re gonna be lost.
Okay, so that’s the significance of laying this history out so carefully. So Sister White, I just read where she said, when the great buildings of New York City came down, that Revelation 18 one through three was fulfilled. And in Revelation 18 one through three, you have the voice of the third angel saying Babylon has fallen. But then in verse four, there’s another voice because there’s two voices. And that other voice in verse four is the Sunday Law.
And Sister White says in Review and Herald, December 6th, 1892, …”In the last work for the warning of the world, two distinct calls are made to the churches. The second angel’s message is Babylon has fallen, has fallen that great city because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication. And in the loud cry of the third angel, a message is heard from heaven saying, come out of her my people.” The second voice of Revelation 18 is the Sunday Law because that’s where God’s other flock is called out of Babylon.
So this history from 911 to the Sunday Law is the history of Revelation 18, and it begins with the voice of Revelation 18 and it ends with the voice of Revelation 18, okay? So what I’m saying is there needs to be a voice in the middle if it’s “truth”, because there’s always gonna be three waymarks. And there is a voice in the middle, but I’m gonna read now from Great Controversy, this passage where she’s gonna quote, among other things, Ezekiel 12.
Although I don’t know, yeah, I’ll read it. I’m not sure how this Zoom meeting goes, but perhaps no one has this quote right in front of them, so I’ll read it. “When the time passed at which the Lord’s coming was first expected (this is from the Great Controversy), in the spring of 1844, those who had looked in faith for His appearing were for a season involved in doubt and uncertainty. While the world regarded them as having been utterly defeated and proved to have been cherishing a delusion, their source of consolation was still the word of God. Many continued to search the scriptures, examining anew the evidence of their faith and carefully studying the prophecies to obtain further light. The Bible testimony in support of their position seemed clear and conclusive. Signs which could not be mistaken pointed to the coming of Christ as near. The special blessing of the Lord, both in the conversion of sinners and the revival of spiritual life among Christians had testified that the message was of heaven. And though the believers could not explain their disappointment, they felt assured that God had led them in their past experience. Interwoven with prophecies, which they had regarded as applying to the time of the second advent was instructions specially adapted to their state of uncertainty and suspense and encouraging them to wait patiently in faith that what was now dark to their understanding would in due time be made plain. Among these prophecies was that of Habakkuk 2, one through four. ‘I will stand upon my watch and set me upon the tower and will watch to see what he will say to me and what I shall answer when I’m reproved.'”
I’m gonna break into her. This is Sister White in Great Controversy. She says, I’ll stand on my watch and I’ll wait to see what the Lord’s gonna say unto me when I’m reproved. And this word “reproved”, and this is how the pioneers define it too, means “argued with”. And in Habakkuk chapter one its identifying the debate that goes on within God’s people at the very beginning of the presentation of the message of the vision that’s going to tarry, that they’re going to be disappointed over.
The disappointment of the debate that takes place in our history began at 9-11. The debate for the Millerites began on August 11, 1840. Same debate, only different for our history and their history, but there’s a debate that Habakkuk 2 is speaking about. I’m going to take up verse 2 now. “And the Lord answered me and said, write the vision and make it plain upon tables…” (This was the answer they were to give. I added that in), “,,,that he may run that readeth it, for the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie, though it tarry, wait for it, because it will surely come, it will not tarry. Behold, his soul, which is lifted up, is not upright in him, but the just shall live by his faith.”
Someone inserted in the last meeting briefly, and I have no problem with it, about John 2:20. If you look at Habakkuk 2, which she just quoted the first four verses, you’ll see the history of the Millerites. And when you get to verse 4, it’s identifying two classes of worshipers that come, that are manifested in 1844. One whose soul is lifted up in vanity, and the other that are living by faith. But the rest of the chapter just elaborates on those that are lifted up in pride, and they’re drunk with the wine of Babylon. And that is the debate, whether we’re going to use the prophetic methodology of Babylon and apostate Protestantism, or we’re going to use the prophetic methodology of Miller and Future for America. That’s the debate. It’s over methodology.
But when you get to the very conclusion of chapter 2 of Habakkuk, which is the end of this whole testimony of the history of the Millerites from 1840 to 1844, and the two classes that are produced, verse 20 says, and the Lord is in His holy temple, let all the earth keep silent. That’s 2:20.
Okay, when He moves into the most holy place on October 22nd, 1844, the number 220 is marked by Habakkuk 2:20. And the reason it’s marked is because Jesus always illustrates the end of a thing with the beginning of a thing. And there were two time prophecies that concluded on October 22nd, 1844. The 2300 years concluded, and the 2520 against the southern kingdom concluded. And the 2520, the seven times against the southern kingdom began in 677, and the 2300 years began in 457. So those two prophecies that both come to a conclusion on October 22nd, 1844, they had a starting point that was 220 years apart.
Thus, the beginning of those two prophecies illustrates the end, and the end is Habakkuk 2:20. And 220, both in the beginning and the ending, represents the combination of humanity with divinity, that will not sin.
And the work that Christ was going to begin on October 22nd, 1844, was combining these two sticks to produce the 144,000, but Millerite Adventism rebelled. And that work of sealing the 144,000 was put off until the third angel again arrived on September 11th, 2001, when the mighty angel of Revelation 18, who is the third angel, came and began the repetition of that history.
Okay, so now I’m going back to the Great Controversy. After she told you…
Just a question. Could you also say that the fourth angel joined the third at 9-11?
The fourth angel? Yeah, but I can say a lot of things there. It’s dependent on what kind of symbolism you’re using. I’m not trying to dodge your question, but it’s more than one meaning. But that joining together she speaks about, that these two voices come together as the Midnight Cry joined the second angel. There’s a joining there, yes. It’s the third angel, but in terms of sequence from Revelation 14 to Revelation 18, it’s the fourth angel. But that’s not the symbol I’m applying here. I’m saying that the angel of Revelation 18 is the third angel from beginning to end.
She’s quoted the first four verses of Habakkuk, and then she says, “…as early as 1842, the direction given in the prophecy to write this vision and make it plain upon tables that he may run that readeth it, had suggested to Charles Fitch the preparation of a prophetic chart to illustrate the visions of Daniel and Revelation. The publication of this chart was regarded as the fulfillment of the command given by Habakkuk. No one, however, then noticed that an apparent delay in the accomplishment of the vision, a tarrying time is presented in the same prophecy. After the disappointment, this scripture appeared very significant. ‘The vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak and not lie, though it tarry, wait for it, because it will surely come. It will not tarry, the just shall live by his faith.'”
And this is the part I’m getting into, what I want to emphasize here.
“A portion of Ezekiel’s prophecy also was the source of strength and comfort to the believers. ‘The word of the Lord came unto me, saying, Son of man, what is the proverb that you have in the land of Israel, saying the days are prolonged and every vision faileth? Tell them, therefore, thus saith the Lord God, the days are at hand, and the effect of every vision. I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall come to pass, it shall be no more prolonged. They of the house of Israel say, the vision that he seeth is for many days to come, and he prophesied times that are far off. Therefore say unto them, thus saith the Lord God, there shall none of my words be prolonged any more, but the word which I have spoken shall be done.’ The waiting ones rejoiced, believing that he who knows the end from the beginning had looked down through the ages, and foreseeing their disappointment, had given them words of courage and hope. Had it not been for such portions of scriptures admonishing them to wait with patience and hold fast their confidence in God’s word, their faith would have failed in that trying hour. The parable of the 10 virgins of Matthew 25 also illustrates the experience of the advent people…”
And dropping down to the end of that particular paragraph, she says, after speaking of the parable of the 10 virgins, “Here is brought to view the church living in the last days.”
So we’re repeating the parable of the 10 virgins, and we’re repeating Habakkuk 2, and we are the perfect fulfillment of Ezekiel chapter 12, in our history, from September 11th to the Sunday law.
Every line of prophecy is fulfilled. All the prophecies of the Old Testament, of the New Testament, of advent history, all find their perfect fulfillment in the period of time that we’re living in right now.
The next quote everyone’s familiar with, “I’m often referred to the parable of the 10 virgins, five of whom were wise and five foolish. This parable has been and will be fulfilled to the very letter.”
The point I want to make here is that the only people that receive the seal of God in the last days are people who have experienced this first disappointment. Now, let me qualify that. There’s people that can find out about this message right now and understand the reform movement from 1989, September 11th, the disappointment of July 18th, 2020, and by faith accept it and realize that July 18th, 2020 was the same as Moses refusing to circumcise his son, or it was Uzzah touching the ark, and they can see that it was a sinful prediction and that it needed to be repented for, and they can understand we’re in the tarrying time, and they can be part of the number that enters into the experience of the wise virgin.
But what I am saying is, if you’re an Adventist, or you’re a ministry, and I know this may step on people’s toes, but if you’re an Adventist, or you’re some ministry out there, and you’re making the claim that you’re teaching the Present Truth message of the last days, and you have no idea about this disappointment, you are deceived.
Because the parable of the 10 virgins is repeated to the very letter, and the very heart of the parable of the 10 virgins is this first disappointment that produces the two classes of worshipers, and the one class represents those that are lost at the end of the world, and the other class represents those that receive the seal of God. You have to either have experienced this disappointment, or by faith accepted that experience.
And so this really narrows down the target audience of this message. If you have people out there, and I know there’s some people out there that are saying that July 18th, we were in the movement, and July 18th was typifying October 22nd, 1844, the Great Disappointment, it wasn’t the first disappointment. Well, there’s no prophetic justification for that, but those that are doing that are also saying that William Miller went silent after October 22nd, 1844. Therefore, after July 18th, Brother Pippenger shouldn’t be saying anything. And my response to that foolishness is that Early Writings endorses William Miller’s dream, and it was published in 1847 or 1848, years after 1844, and the Millerite movement was still appreciating the testimony of William Miller, and Sister White has more than one quote that says we should repeat the testimony of those that led out in the work of the first and second angel’s message.
There is a group of people that were in this movement that are trying to suggest that the first disappointment was the second disappointment, and in doing so, they’re leaving themselves in darkness. And I’m not worried about chastising them or making them look bad. I’m trying to emphasize that if you’re going to be part of the wise virgins that receive the seal of God, you have to correctly understand that you’re in the tarrying time, as the Millerites did, and you have to understand what the first disappointment was and what the implications of that are. And unfortunately, there’s lots that don’t, more than I would like to deal with.
So I have other notes here that I’m looking at to see where to go from here. But I’m also, they’re kind of long-winded. I got all of Revelation 10 and 11, and all of Ezekiel 37. And I don’t have the strength this afternoon to even try that, so I’m not going to try to push all of you through it, but I will give you some commentary on it.
In these articles, you should test these articles. You should start from the beginning and go through them, internalize them. If you find they’re erroneous, reject them, and then get up on the mountains and proclaim why they’re erroneous. That isn’t what you’re going to find. You’re going to find that they’re sound. And what you’re going to see is that the Lion of the tribe of Judah has developed the history from July 18th into the Sunday law in a very complete and thorough fashion.
The two witnesses that were slain in the street, if you’re just talking about us as the Protestant horn, there’s line upon line that identifies the experience, and the response that we must make if we’re going to be sealed, or if we’re going to be lost.
But in that same line, you have the Republican horn that is addressing what goes on in the political sphere of the United States between the Democrats and the Republicans. And if you remember, in Matthew 24, Jesus says, you’ll hear of wars and rumors of wars. And it can be demonstrated that right now, we’re on the verge of the Third World War. And the Third World War is illustrated by the first two world wars because it’s a triple application of prophecy. So in this history, you have the lead up to the Third World War.
But in this history, based upon God’s word, I’m here to tell you that we’re at the beginning of the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln, the first Republican president, he came into office and the first shot of the Civil War had not been fired, but it had been started by President Buchanan, his president, his predecessor. And Buchanan was a Democrat. And in that history, Buchanan was considered the most inefficient person in the history of the United States. And he was the most inefficient person in the history of the United States. And he was the most inefficient person in the history of the effective president in American history.
When Trump comes into office, the Civil War will already be essentially began. The shots will be fired right after he comes into office, as they were with Lincoln, because Lincoln was the first Republican president and Trump’s the last. But it will already have been caused by his predecessor, a president that is the most ineffective president in American history. It’s an airtight parallel. Jesus illustrates the end from the beginning. And when you take the beginning history of the United States from 1776 to 1798, you lay that over the top of September 11th to the Sunday Law, and you realize that the Revolutionary War is already underway as well. And revolution means to turn a circle. There’s an overturning that’s going on. And it began on September 11, which was a turning point. And a revolution is a turning point. We have here the beginnings of the Civil War right now in this history. We’re on the verge of the Third World War. The Revolutionary War is already underway. And we are now in the second battle of the Cold War.
Revelation chapter 11 identifies three battles of the Cold War. The first battle of the Cold War, the king of the North swept away the Soviet Union in 1989. It was a Cold War. It had proxy armies, and there was blood that was spilled, but it was the first battle of the Cold War. In Revelation 11, the next battle is the Battle of Raphia. That’s the second battle of the Cold War. The third battle is verses 13 through 15 of Revelation 11, the third battle of the Cold War.
When Jesus says, you will hear of wars and rumors of wars, there’s only one group of people that will hear of these wars and rumors of wars, because the theme of the book of Revelation is, blessed are those that hear what the Spirit says to the churches. And in that time period, there is a class that seeing do not see and hearing do not perceive. And then there is a wise class that see and hear. Those that hear will hear these wars, these prophetic wars that are taking place now in our history.
The second battle of the Cold War is the Battle of the Ukraine, and it was fulfilled in history with what was called the Battle of Raphia. And in the Battle of Raphia, Ptolemy, the king of the South, defeats Seleucus, the king of the North. Ptolemy goes into the temple in Jerusalem and tries to offer offerings, and God intervenes, so he goes back into Egypt, and he slaughters a bunch of Jews in Alexandria. That’s verse 12. When his heart was lifted up, Ptolemy did this.
Ptolemy is representing Putin and his battle with the West. And in the Battle of Raphia, Raphia is “the borderline”. That’s what it’s called, because the place of Raphia in that battle time period was the border between Egypt and the kingdom of Seleucus. Ukraine means “borderline”. The Ukraine is the borderline of Russia and these other countries that have struggled, and there’s been ebbs and flows throughout history in the Ukraine. It’s the borderline battle, just as Raphia was the borderline battle.
In this history, the king of the South defeats the king of the North. In 1989, the king of the North defeated the king of the South, but the king of the North had a proxy army in 1989. The proxy army was the United States, Ronald Reagan. The proxy army for the papacy in the Ukrainian war is the Ukrainian government, and there’s no denying that the Ukrainian government is a Nazi-based government. It is the proxy army of the papacy in the battle with the king of the South in Ukraine, and it’s going to lose.
The evidence is that the proxy army for the papacy in World War II was the Nazis. This isn’t the first time that Nazism has been the proxy army for the papacy, who’s behind the scenes pulling the strings. In the third battle of the Cold War, which is verses 13 to 16 of Daniel 11, the United States is once again the proxy army against the king of the South, and the king of the South is going to get removed.
Now the reason I’m telling you that, if you will see it, is that when it comes to Islam of the third world, Islam of the third world is the seventh trumpet. It’s a trumpet. So the trumpet blew at 9-11, and the trumpet’s going to blow again at the Sunday Law, and those two trumpets are the seventh trumpet. The third woe is the seventh trumpet, and Revelation 10 says, in the days of the sounding of the seventh trumpet, the mystery of God would be finished.
So from the sounding of the third woe in September 11, 2001, until the sounding of the third woe at the Sunday Law, is the history of the sealing of the 144,000, and in that history you have Islam’s trumpet woe, sound, tone, whatever you want to call it, attacks literal glorious land, on October 7, 2023, It’s the middle of the three soundings of the third woe in the history of the sealing of the 144,000, and what I want you to see, and I haven’t backed it up, but it’s very sustainable, is that attack against the literal glorious land that is bookended by an attack against the spiritual glorious land on 9-11, and the spiritual glorious land at the Sunday Law, all three being glorious lands tying them together, all three being attacks of Islam.
It’s taking place in the identical place that the battle of Raphia took place with Seleucus and Ptolemy, and last week Netanyahu, however you pronounce his name, he said they’ve got one more place they’re going and it’s going to be finished up, and the only place they have on Gaza left to finish is to take Raffa, and Raffa is Raphia.
So at the very same time that you have the second battle of the borderline, the second battle of the Cold War taking place in the Ukraine, you have a parallel battle of the borderline going on with the second sounding of the seventh trumpet in the history of the 144,000.
So when Jesus says, you will hear of wars and rumors of wars, these wars are connected together and they’re the wheels within wheels that Ezekiel recognized when he looked into the most holy place, and when Ezekiel says in chapter 12, the effect of every vision will take place in the history of Habakkuk 2’s fulfillment and the parable of the ten virgins, Ezekiel is involved in the same vision where he saw the wheels within the wheels, and these wheels, Sister White says, are the complicated interplay of human events, and these wars are all testifying of the end of all things, and they’re giving a very specific step-by-step process of the sealing of the 144,000, and we’re at the very end of that process.
Questions? This video is stopped.
Yeah, there’s one clarification. At one time you were talking about the, I think, pre-battle, and you said Revelation 11. I wondered if you didn’t mean Daniel 11.
I said what?
Revelation 11, and verses 13-15. I wondered if you weren’t speaking about Daniel 11.
Yes, I was. Yes, I was. I haven’t put, I haven’t mentioned, I haven’t spoken about any verses in Revelation 11 purposely. If I was mentioning the verses, I’m talking about Daniel 11. And I’m telling you that what brings Daniel 11 into perspective is Daniel 10. The vision that Daniel sees is absolutely profound, and in verse 10 of Daniel 11, when Seleucus comes up to his fortress, that word fortress is the key that ties the external and internal visions together. It’s what shows the combination of humanity and divinity at the same period of time that these wars are taking place.
Because if you’re going to defend what the fortress is in verse 10 of Daniel 11, you have three verses. You have verse 10, you also have verse 40 of Daniel 11, and you have verse 8 of Isaiah 8. And they all have the same expression, overflow and pass through. And in Isaiah 8, it is clear that Sennacherib came up to the neck of Jerusalem, and that’s what allowed to identify the fortress in verse 10 of Daniel 11 as the head. But in Isaiah 8, it’s just a continuation of chapter 7.
And in chapter 7 is where you have the 65-year prophecy. And the 65- year prophecy is couched within a prophetic testimony that the head of Samaria is Remaliah, and is—no, who’s the head of Samaria? It’s Rezin. And the head of Rezin is Samaria. And there’s a 65-year time prophecy, and then it concludes in that verse by saying the head of Judah is its king.
Point being is, the definition that the head is the capital of the kingdom is what you need to have to understand verse 8 of Isaiah 8, that Sennacherib just came up to Jerusalem, and then he’s miraculously wiped out.
With that in hand, you can go into verse 10 of Revelation 11 and show that Seleucus came up to the borderland of Daniel 11, come up to the borderland of Raphia, and stopped there. And then the battle of Raphia followed, and that combines with verse 40 of Daniel 11.
So the point is, as you’re identifying the head as the king or the capital of the kingdom, you can’t separate that external prophetic truth from the internal truth of the seven times, because the seven times is the internal truth.
So when you get to Daniel 11 verse 10, the fortress, the head, is giving you the key to see the battle in the Ukraine, but it’s identically telling you that this is where the head is joined. And the head in the seven times is the southern kingdom, and the body is the northern kingdom. And the northern kingdom does not reach to October 22, 1844, only the southern kingdom does. And the southern kingdom joins with the head of Christ in the most holy place. That’s where divinity combines with humanity.
And it’s unbelievable when you start realizing that the seven times is identifying the sealing of the 144,000, and that the northern kingdom represents our lower nature, which has two types of sin, because it was broken into two prophecies of 1260. It has cultivated sins and inherited sins, but it can’t reach to the most holy place, because it can only be changed at the second coming.
But the southern kingdom, it can reach all the way to the most holy place. And Paul says our body is our lower nature, and the head is our higher nature. And Ellen White says in our higher nature, we have a place called the citadel, which is the fortress. It’s in our citadel where we join with Christ. Because if we overcome as Christ did, then we’re set down on the throne as he set down with his Father. And in the citadel, we set down in heavenly places with Christ when we’re joined.
And that was the purpose of the seven times in 1844. But they rebelled. But that’s what’s going on now. And the seven times is about the combining of humanity and divinity. It’s about the 2520 years too, but it’s so much more.
That’s why the Northern Kingdom is the Northern Kingdom. When Adam fell, the lower nature took the ascendancy over the higher nature. So the higher nature became the Southern Kingdom, which is lower than the Northern Kingdom. But the Northern Kingdom can’t be changed until the second coming.
In the Southern Kingdom, we can receive the mind of Christ at conversion right there in the most holy place, in the citadel of our souls. And the more you look at it, the more clear it is. It’s the joining of the two sticks.
Then you go back into Ezekiel 37, and you count everything that’s addressed by Ezekiel. The message that awakens the two witnesses in Revelation 11 is these two messages of Ezekiel. And it’s about the third woe. Then the sticks are joined together. Then there’s the promise of he’s going to place us in our own land. That’s Jerusalem. And he’s going to have one king over him. That’s Michael, our prince. And he’s going to enter into covenant with this.
Ezekiel 37 is about the combination of humanity with divinity. And this work began in 2023, 22 years after 2001. And we’re running out of time.
Question. Question.
Go ahead.
You brought up Raphia in history. Does that mean we’re going to be looking at a future Panium also?
I don’t see it. Let me answer it this way. When I go back into the things that we were studying when we went astray, some of the things I’m certain are still sound. Some of the things, they raise question marks in my mind. But I tried to take a little time when I introduced this meeting, just to give you some of the dynamics about what’s happened with Clayton and I. And when I determined I needed to write, my determination was, is I’m getting my house in order because I’m getting ready to die. And I’ll go ahead and put my testimony into the public arena, even if no one else listens to it. At least I put my two cents in. And I began to write.
And then I realized somewhere along the line, and I can give you, I’m not going to, but I can give you all the things that happened, that started controlling when I was waking up at night, when I would have time to write. It was, it was unreal. And I, and I realized that the Lord has been directing in these articles.
And therefore, some of these terms that I’ve used in the past, or we’ve all used in the past, if they don’t come up, I don’t use them. And I’ve thought about Panium more than once. But at this point, I haven’t been led there. And I’m, in terms of writing these articles, I’m comfortable now with just sitting down and writing and letting the Lord lead. If he doesn’t want to mention Panium in these articles, that’s fine with me.
I’ve really come to question, just so everyone knows, if there was a turning mark for us going off into darkness before July 18, if it possibly wasn’t the invention of a waymark called “midnight. ”
Jeff, someone has a question in the chat.
You said that July 18 was a false prediction and simultaneously a disappointment. Can you explain how this parallels the first disappointment in Millerite history? … seeing as Millerite history was based upon God holding his hand over a mistake? Is there a parallel to God holding his hand on July 18, or is it only a false prophecy produced by men? Both allowed for a disappointment, but both were not based upon the same premise. One trusted God’s leading, which created a purposeful test. The other trusted the arm of flesh and made a false prediction. Can you say a few words on this point?
Well, you pretty much covered it right there. One of the first things I’ve personally recognized, and this is in the articles early on, is if you look at the Reform Line when the first disappointment is illustrated, it’s always rebellion by God’s people, whether it’s Moses or Uzzah or Mary and Martha. Typically, the first disappointment is produced by disobedience, but not so with the Millerites, because the Lord held his hand over it.
But with the Millerites, there’s a different dynamic going on, because Millerite history is teaching something about a transition. The transition of the Millerite movement from the Philadelphian experience unto the Laodicean experience, that would typify the experience of the 144,000, and the 144,000 were to come out of the Laodicean experience and go into the Philadelphian experience.
So as Philadelphians, the Millerites were spot-on. They weren’t in disobedience. But for us, as Laodiceans, we weren’t. We were in disobedience. And what we were in disobedience to was Revelation chapter 10, verses 6 and 7. And in those verses, Jesus raises up his hands to heaven and says there’s going to be time no longer. His hand was involved because we disregarded that he put his hand up and said, no more time prophecy. And we said, we’re going to do time prophecy anyway. So his hand was involved.
As also, you just pointed out, it was our human hand that accomplished that work, and it was the Lord’s hand that accomplished the work in the time of the Millerites. But however you struggle through with this, you have to come to grips with the fact that Ellen White says the parable of the 10 virgins is going to be repeated to the very letter, and you cannot take the first disappointment and the tarrying time out of the parable of the 10 virgins and still have the parable intact. We had to have a disappointment.
But ours, like the other Reform Lines, was accomplished by our disobedience. And that disobedience becomes the logic for our work when we’re awakened after being dead in the street.
Our work when we wake up is to pray Daniel’s two prayers, one in Daniel 2 and one in Daniel 9. And the Daniel 9 prayer includes acknowledging that we have repeated the sins of our fathers. Emmanuel, I hope that answers your question.
Edwidge has a question. Yes, I would like to, unless I misunderstood you, you mentioned there were eight kingdoms, not four, in Daniel 2. So what, I’m not sure what you refer to. What are these eight kingdoms rather than four?
Jeff: Okay, sister, you need to go read the articles and you can even listen to them in French, but…
No, I wouldn’t understand this.
Okay, it’s a big story, okay. Daniel chapter 2 includes the fact that no one knows what the test is. Nebuchadnezzar doesn’t even know what the test is. He’s going to kill people, but he can’t remember his dream. So Daniel, in Daniel chapter 2, is trying to understand something that no one knows. And the prophets are speaking more about the end of the world than the days in which they lived. So Daniel is representing a group of people at the end of the world that are to understand something that was never understood before in Daniel chapter 2.
And what was never understood before in Daniel chapter 2, because Daniel chapter 2 had been in interpreted by the Millerites, and what William Miller was given was insight on paganism and papalism. And what Future for America was given was insight upon paganism, papalism, and apostate Protestantism.
So our prophetic approach is broader than Miller’s. Okay, Miller could only see to papalism, so he was forced to look at Daniel 2 and look at that statue and bring it to a conclusion in 1798. But we know better, because we know that the United States is the last desolating power.
Knowing that, you have four kingdoms, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and pagan Rome. Then you have the fifth kingdom, which parallels the first kingdom. The first kingdom was literal Babylon. The fifth kingdom was the papacy, which is modern Babylon. The second kingdom was the two-horned kingdom. It was the Medes and the Persians, and it typified the sixth kingdom, which is the two-horned kingdom of the United States.
The third kingdom is Greece, and Greece represents a worldwide kingdom, which is the seventh kingdom, the United Nations. The fourth kingdom was Rome, and it typified the eighth kingdom, which is Rome’s deadly wound healed. It’s modern Rome at the end of the world.
So the four kingdoms of Daniel 2, that the Millerites understood, are typifying spiritual kingdoms that follow after them, and they run parallel with them. And it has to be that way because Daniel 2 is the first reference to the kingdoms of Bible prophecy in the Bible, and the last reference to the kingdoms of Bible prophecy in the Bible is Revelation 17.
And Revelation 17 identifies eight kingdoms, and the eighth is of the seven. And those eight kingdoms that I just gave you from Daniel 2; Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, pagan Rome, papal Rome, the United States, the United Nations, and the papacy’s deadly wound healed, are the same kingdoms that are in Revelation 17, because Jesus always illustrates the end from the beginning.
And that has been unsealed in our history, and it’s a truth that we didn’t understand, just like Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel didn’t understand in Daniel chapter 2, and it’s the external truth. It’s the kingdoms of Bible prophecy. And that’s when the two witnesses in Revelation 11 are awakened by the voice in the wilderness. They have two prayers that are marked as waymarks from the book of Daniel.
One is, those people need to pray to understand the test by which Sister White says their eternal destiny is decided, and it’s the image of the beast test. That’s Daniel chapter 2. They also need to pray the Leviticus 26 prayer, which is the seven times, which is the prayer of humility and confessing their sins and the sins of their fathers in order to have the experience, in order to have the internal along with the external, and receive the seal of God.
Questioner: Yeah, okay, thank you. All clear, thank you.
Moderator: Emmanuel C., you have a question?
Sure, quick question, follow up to the first one. Elder Jeff, what do you say about, let’s say, people who mark July 18, 2020 as, you know, kind of like more like what happened with Jonah, where he makes a prediction, but, you know, obviously what happens doesn’t come to pass, and he’s, you know, kind of seen to be a failed false prophet, only because that statement in Spirit of Prophecy where it talked about, you know, the situation with Nashville, where it says they knew, but why didn’t you, almost like, why didn’t you tell us? Why didn’t you warn us?
Almost as to say, if FFA or this movement, has shared July 18, and let’s say it was something that were to happen, but because we shared it, and we avoided the quote that says, we knew, but did not say anything, in other words, in the quote, they did not share it, what do you say to some people who kind of say, because we shared it, we kind of become like a Jonah, in almost like preserving what would have happened if we didn’t share it?
Well, I say that the number one prophetic rule of the Millerites was the application of time prophecy.and that on October 22nd, 1844, Christ raised up His hands and sware by heaven, that we weren’t supposed to apply time prophecy anymore. So no matter what our motivation for doing so was, it was in disobedience to a direct command of Christ.
I also say that when we gathered together those passages from the Spirit Prophecy, we were not very technically accurate. And the judgment that you can find pronounced upon Nashville in the writings of Ellen White fall in the category of a more general destruction that takes place upon the cities.
There is a period of time that she speaks about where the cities are destroyed. One quote goes, something that I’ve used a lot so I kind of remember it, says, “Oh that God’s people had a sense of the impending destruction of thousands of cities almost fully given to idolatry.” I now understand that the Nashville destruction falls into that category, and that you really don’t have from the writings of Ellen White the support of isolating Nashville all by itself, which is another thing that we did. We did not include Nashville as part of the general destruction of the cities.
And Jonah, it’s an interesting thought, I have some different ideas on it but not along that line. I’m convinced personally from my own studies that the most important waymark is the end of the three-and-a-half days that the two witnesses lie dead in the street. When they wake up they have to understand that they’ve been scattered, they’re in a tarrying time, and they need to repent for the sins of their fathers and the sin which they did. And if they don’t do that they will not receive the seal of God.
So to come up with prophetic justifications that downplays that responsibility is of great, great implications for this reason. The first truth that William Miller was given was the seven times. And the truth that the Lord intended to finish the work within the Millerite history came in 1856 and it was an expanded, increased light on the seven times.
Okay, so in our history the sealing truth is the seven times. And what the sealing truth is in our history includes our responsibility to confess the the sins of our fathers and our own sin. And our own sin was the proclamation of July 18th. If we can’t enter into that fact we will not be sealed. This is a hard saying and who can hear it? I get it.
You know, there’s a quote that we use from time to time where Sister White says something like this. The phrase, and it is correct, although at the beginning and ending I’m not too sure, but you’re probably familiar with it. She says, “We have many wonderful truths to learn and many many to unlearn.” She repeats the “many many” to unlearn. We need to unlearn our logic of July 18th. It was in direct contradiction with her many passages where she says we will never have another message that’s hung up on time.
And to say, well, Jonah did. Jonah wasn’t forbidden not to give a message of time. He was told to do that very thing.
Brother Jeff. Yeah. Going back to what you had said earlier about just before Lincoln became president. There was, you can’t, that, well, I mean yes, but the Civil War began just before he became president.
Jeff: It was, not technically, I’m not okay, but anyway, go ahead.
Questioner: You remember that you brought that up, and…
Jeff: Yes that Civil War occurred, started 22 days before Lincoln became president. But just to complement what that fact, that historical fact. In my studies recently I’ve been studying the connection between Biden and Trump, and Maxentius the Emperor of Rome, and Constantine.
Maxentius was the one just prior to Constantine, and there was a Civil War leading up to the final victory of Constantine over Maxentius. Anyway. That would parallel verse 13.
Okay. There when Trump comes into office, if you go into Daniel 11 verse 13 and you look at Uriah Smith’s comments on Ptolemy raising an army to go to re-attack the King of the South, who he just lost the Battle of Raffph to. The first thing he has to do is quell a Civil War in his kingdom before he, in verse 15, launches his attack against the King of the South.
So the idea is that the Civil War is part of the story. And that’s cool about Constantine as well. There are some amazing, I won’t go into them right now, but there are some amazing parallels that you just can’t make up between Maxentius and Biden and Constantine and Trump. It’s very clear but anyway.
You know the one that blows my mind. I hope you all, if you don’t have it Google it. Print out the Alien and Sedition Acts from 1798 and remind yourself that that’s the first year the United States was a kingdom of Bible prophecy. It’s the very first thing they spoke, and and ask yourself how could those four laws speak so directly to the illegal immigration process and the corrupted press that’s happening now? It speaks identically to it. It gives Trump the, it speaks to Trump’s motivation 100%. How could that happen if it wasn’t God’s hand?
Amen. One other thing in regards to Jonah. I did a long series on the book of Jonah. Oh it’s been over a year ago. And I saw a lot of things there that just amazed me. Jonah, the book of Jonah, is a history of, from the early church, all the way to the Millerite movement. And it’s also a history of Adventism.
But the one thing, you know, after back a few weeks ago when you were on this platform, and we, you and I, discussed briefly there about July 18th 2020 being the first disappointment. It was after it was, at that time that I realized that the application that I made concerning chapter four of Jonah was incorrect, because, and I at this point, I can’t remember all of my reasoning, but my application of that being the movement of Future for America was incorrect.
But I would still stand by, I would probably still stand by everything else that I presented in that study. You know, like I said, up until that point. But it is most, it is most assuredly the the whole history of the Christian Church, from the early Christian Church all the way to the Millerite movement. I say them, and then from there on it would be that the history of the Adventist Church to the end anyway.
I wanted to make a point also in regards to the profound depth of the 2520. If you go to Isaiah 7:8 it gives you the two 2520’s, and then in verse 9 it makes the point that surely if you will not believe you shall not be established. I think that’s a powerful point to make.
Yeah I make that point in the articles more than once, that this connects with verse 10 of Daniel 11. It’s a prophet, you know, it’s 2nd Chronicles 2020. Believe his prophets so shall be established. If you’re going to, and then you bring in what Christ said, “O ye slow of heart to believe what the prophets have written.”
If you can’t see that the symbol of the head, which is the fortress in verse 10, has dual meaning, both external and internal, you won’t be established. And he’s establishing this truth right now while that war is going on, which tells me it’s the sealing truth.
Question: I have a quick question this is Alla. So when we’re talking about the war in Ukraine I’m just curious, so how would we know that Putin wins? I mean, I know that just because I grew up [in Ukraine] and I talk to my parents all the time about this war, you know the initial purpose was the regime change by Putin, but then they’re kind of stuck fighting over the separatist regions in the south of Ukraine. And so, and we may not be able to know exactly, but I’m just thinking of historical parallels. Would that mean that actual victory would mean the regime change in Ukraine?
And then the other question is about World War Three. You said we are on the verge of perhaps World War Three, and I’m wondering who are the players in World War Three? Would that mean the Battle of Panium is World War Three, or we’re talking about something different?
Well the most I’m willing to say about World War Three right now is the World War is defined by the whole world, not necessarily every single country, but the whole world gets involved. It’s not just Russia and the Ukraine. It’s many different nations. But in terms about how to identify Putin’s victory, it’s in verse 5 through 12 in Daniel 11. There’s no way that you can shake the narrative that begins in verse 5 of Daniel 11.
It identifies Napoleon taking the Pope captive, okay, in a history where Ptolemy goes in and takes Seleucus captive. And then in the following verses after that, then Seleucus returns and defeats the king of the south and he goes up to the borderland of Egypt. And when you get in, if you get into those articles, you’ll see that in verse 5 all the way from verse 1. They’re all very detailed, and they’re describing the history of 5 even a little bit before 538.
It even describes the history of Seleucus getting established as the king of the north. But it describes the history of 538 to 1798, and then from 1798 to 1989, and 1989 is followed by verses 11 and 12.
And it’s the same players, but the difference is, in 1989 the king of the north had defeated the king of the south. That is, the papacy and the United States sweep away the Soviet Union. But they left the head standing, the fortress, and by the definition in the Bible, the head is the capital. It’s the king. What was left in 1989 was Russia. Russia was still there standing.
So in verses 11 and 12 the king of the south, Ptolemy, he’s going to initiate, begin a war against the king of the north, and he wins that one. So the flow of the verses, 5 on downward, unless you think there was, unless a person would think, Oh there’s an illogical break. And there’s in these verses, not that it has to be the king of the south, [but] the leader of the king of the south, and the leader of the king of the south today is Putin, and Putin wins that battle, but he does something else.
There’s other lines, Putin is the end of the king of the south, and the beginning the first king of the south was established in the French Revolution, and the French Revolution was from 1789 to 1799. And the king that’s associated in the beginning of the King of the South is Napoleon. And Napoleon, he goes into captivity at the island of Elba, and he escapes, and he comes back and he takes power for a short period of time, and he goes up into Waterloo and he gets defeated, and they put him on another island where he dies.
Within the break between the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1989-1991 time period, until Putin takes control in 2000, that’s even there in the story of Napoleon. And Napoleon is the first King of the South, and Putin is the last.
So you have also the line, that isn’t in Daniel 11, of the beginning and ending of the King of the South that plugs in and squares with Putin. I mean, it really squares with him, but you know, you see Putin, he gets all these photographs where he’s, you know, he’s wrestling a lion or an alligator, and he’s riding a horse. He’s doing all these macho things. Napoleon did the same thing. Napoleon hired artists to, you know, paint him up on these horses, all victorious.
The parallel is airtight, and the Ukraine’s going to get defeated. But it’s going to be, at the same time, it will be Putin’s Waterloo. It’ll be the end of his story, because he’s going to go back to Russia and think that he can accomplish a persecution against the Orthodox Church there, and it’s going to blow up in his face. But in any case, it’s in the sequence of verses of Daniel 11. They’re so airtight. There’s so many details. For instance, I’ll give you one.
When Ptolemy goes in and takes Seleucus captive, the reason he does so is because a prior Ptolemy has made a peace agreement with Seleucus, and his peace agreement was that he’d give him his daughter. So this king of the North, Seleucus, he marries this Egyptian princess, and he brings her home, and shortly thereafter, he gets tired of her, he sets her aside, and he takes back his first queen, and that queen kills that Egyptian princess and her son and her entourage, and then she kills the king. And that so enrages this princess’s brother back in Egypt, that he’s the one that mounts the attack against the king of the North.
So when you look at that history, the reason that Napoleon took the Pope captive, that’s the parallel history, is from a broken treaty, a broken peace treaty. And the times from the peace treaty until Napoleon took the Pope captive (in the original history of Ptolemy and Seleucus) was 35 years, but the time in the history of the papacy was 1260 years. But 35 years is 3.5 years, it’s three and a half years, it’s 1260 years, it’s their parallel history.
And when the king of the South took this king of the North captive, which would be 1798, he brought him back to Egypt, and there the king of the North died when he fell off a horse. And that’s the story of the papacy. The papacy received a deadly wound in 1798, but a year later the papacy died.
What was killed in 1798 was the system that the papacy had been riding upon, it rides upon a beast. So in 1798 Napoleon shut down the system, and in 1799 the Pope died in captivity, and the history in antiquity of Ptolemy taking this same king back into Egypt, he dies falling off a horse. The [Pope was removed from the] beast that he was riding on, and [then] the Pope died.
What I’m saying is, the details of these histories of verse 5 coming into verse 11 and 12, which is the Ukrainian war, they’re so detailed! It’s some of the clearest passages in the Scripture. And it’s the battle of Raphia that fulfilled those verses initially in verses 11 and 12, and Raphia is the borderline. The Seleucids had come up to the border of Egypt. You know that Ukraine means borderline.
Well, let me make a comment here. I know that a lot of people probably have questions, and this could go on for a while, so the moderator probably needs to set a time so that we can organize a little better, just verses that are just going on and on, that would be best for everybody.
You know what I’d rather do is, I’d like to end with prayer and come back and get more of a direct study next Sabbath, if the Canadian brethren are willing. By direct study, I mean where we follow some notes and maybe look at Daniel 10. That’s where the real profound stuff comes to life from my perspective.
And also, anybody can ask as many questions as they want under each article. You can ask questions, and he responds to them all, so if you want a specific question, you could ask the questions under that article, and he would be able to respond to it where everybody would be able to see it as well. That’s another option.
Questioner: Yeah, I just want to say thank you, Jeff, for the answer. It was wonderful. I understand. And I’m looking forward to another study, if we can arrange it. That would be great.
Thank you. Amen. And for the next Sabbath— If there’s anything I can leave anyone with, it’s that you should be reading these articles, and not because I wrote them, but you should be reading these articles in order.
Amen. I agree with you on that, Jeff, and I want to encourage everybody. I find that when I read the articles, I get more insight. I have less questions to ask. So, yes, thank you again, Jeff, for all you’re doing. May God bless your efforts. Okay. And Brother Jeff, next week, God willing, next Sabbath, it’s on the Canadian Zoom, and you’re the speaker, so that’s arranged already.
Jeff: Shall we pray? Amen. Heavenly Father, we thank you for this Sabbath, for this time we spent together. I know that this was kind of a scattered presentation, but I’m hoping that your Holy Spirit would bring some conviction upon the brethren that they need to test these articles. Time is short. The world is out of control, and You are attempting to seal Your people. And I believe that this is the message that is to do that very thing, and I’m hoping that my brothers and sisters will partake of it. Thank you for all these things in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Que esclarecimentos, eu estou lendo os artigos, sempre sinto um forte alimento para minha vida, obrigado Jeff, por volta e dá o conhecimento dos céus nestes conflitos final. QUE nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo possa nos ajustar a todos nós.
If a civil war is going to break out when Trump takes office, then we only have a very short time to prepare for the anarchy and then the restrictive Martial Law that will precede the Sunday law. May God help His people to be ready!