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The Book of Daniel – Number One Hundred Thirty


The Prophetic Transition of the United States: From the Sixth Kingdom to the Threefold Union


Key Takeaways

As the United States moves closer to enforcing the prophesied Sunday law, it marks a significant transition in biblical prophecy, shifting the nation’s role from the sixth kingdom to part of the threefold union of Modern Rome. This transition is foretold through a detailed examination of historical parallels and prophetic insights, notably focusing on the presidency and its symbolic significance. Drawing from biblical references and historical events, this article elucidates how the last president, expected to be a Republican, embodies key attributes of past leaders, particularly Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. These parallels serve as vital markers in deciphering the unfolding of prophetic events and the imminent role of the United States in the global religious and political landscape.

  • Transition of the United States: With the impending enforcement of the Sunday law, the United States will transition from its current role as the sixth kingdom in biblical prophecy to becoming part of the threefold union aligned with Modern Rome.
  • Symbolism of the Last President: The last president, believed to be a Republican, symbolizes the culmination of prophetic patterns established by past leaders such as Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. Their characteristics and actions foreshadow the role and attributes of the final president in this prophetic timeline.
  • Historical Parallels: Examining historical timelines, including the periods of preparation leading to significant events like Christ’s ministry and the papacy’s rise to power, provides crucial insights into the unfolding of prophetic cycles and the current trajectory of world events.
  • Interplay of Prophetic Entities: The article delves into the interplay between various prophetic entities, including the dragon, representing falsehood and spiritual warfare; the beast, symbolizing Catholicism and religious deception; and the false prophet, embodying apostate Protestantism and doctrinal deviation.
  • Role of Islam and the Three Woes: Islam’s role as the Seventh Trumpet and Third Woe is explored in the context of bringing judgment upon Modern Babylon, aligning with biblical prophecies and serving as a tool in God’s divine plan.
  • Call to Action: Recognizing the spiritual warfare and prophetic significance of current events, the article urges readers to heed the warning signs and actively engage in spreading the message of truth amidst the intensifying conflict between light and darkness.

This comprehensive analysis illuminates the intricate tapestry of biblical prophecy and contemporary geopolitics, offering readers a deeper understanding of the unfolding divine plan and their role within it.


When the United States enforces the soon coming Sunday law it will cease to be the sixth kingdom of Bible prophecy and transition into one third of the threefold union of Modern Rome. The president who enforces the Sunday law will be the last president, and he will be a Republican president. This is established upon two witnesses.

Abraham Lincoln, who was the first Republican president “spoke” the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, which was the middle waymark of the speaking in the prophetic history of the earth beast. When Lincoln “spoke” the Emancipation Proclamation, in 1863, he was the first Republican president, thus typifying the last Republican president. Abraham Lincoln represents the last waymark of the first period of the earth beast and also the first waymark of the second period of the earth beast. Jesus always illustrates the end by the beginning. When the earth beast speaks as a dragon, at the end of the last of the two periods, the president will be a Republican president, as typified by Lincoln.

The second witness of the last president being a Republican president is the period that began at the time of the end in 1989 with Ronald Reagan. The prophetic period from 1989 to the soon coming Sunday law has been represented by the prophetic period of preparation for papal Rome taking the throne in the history of 508 to 538. That prophetic period of preparation for the empowerment of the antichrist in 538 was typified by the thirty years of Christ’s preparation, that is from His birth unto His baptism.

The antichrist had a thirty-year preparation period that counterfeited Christ’s thirty years of preparation. A thirty-year period of preparation for Christ, and also for the antichrist, provides two witnesses to a period of preparation for the healing of the deadly wound at the soon coming Sunday law. That period of preparation began at the time of the end in 1989, just as Christ’s period of preparation arrived when He was born, which marked the time of the end in His prophetic history.

Before the last president, verse two of Daniel eleven teaches that there will be six presidents that reach to the rich president that “stirs up” the realm of the globalists. The first of those six presidents was Ronald Reagan, a Republican. Ronald Reagan and Abraham Lincoln provide the two witnesses. The waymark of the rebellion of 1863, and the line of presidents beginning in 1989, pinpoint the characteristics of the final president of the United States.

Ronald Reagan is a symbol of the first, and therefore illustrates the last. Reagan was a former media star, a former Democrat that had converted to be a Republican. He was known for his provocative use of the English language. He was known for his sense of humor. He was a professed Protestant, who demonstrated that he did not truly understand what Protestant meant when he formed an alliance with the antichrist of Bible prophecy.

He was pro-American, and politically unafraid. He was preceded by the most ineffective president in that era of modern politics, and his predecessor had bowed to the demands of radical Islam. Perhaps the most significant thing he stated, and which he is given credit for accomplishing, was when he said, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall.”

Donald Trump is a symbol of the last, and therefore has been illustrated by the first. Trump was a former media star, a former Democrat that had converted to a Republican. He is known for his provocative use of the English language. He is known for his sense of humor. He is a professed Protestant, who has demonstrated that he does not truly understand what Protestant means, and he will form an alliance with the antichrist of Bible prophecy at the soon coming Sunday law.

He is pro-American, and politically unafraid. He was preceded by the most ineffective president in that era of modern politics, and when he is re-elected in 2024, he will once again have been preceded by the new most ineffective president in the era of modern politics. In both instances his predecessors are known for bowing to the demands of radical Islam. Most certainly the most significant thing he has ever stated, and which he will be given credit for accomplishing, is “Build the wall.”

This is not to claim that Jimmy Carter, Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden were not highly effective in their presidencies, it is just that their effectiveness, was based upon their work to destroy the principles enshrined in the Constitution of the United States, the very document they had each sworn to uphold and protect, coupled with the reality that Carter allowed Islam to hold hostages until the election of Reagan, and that Obama did an apology tour to the Islamic world and gave a minimum of one billion dollars cash to the primary bank of radical Islam, and Biden’s record of support of Islam is too long to list.

Ronald Reagan accomplished the work of tearing down the symbolic wall called “the iron curtain”, and on November 11, 1989 the Berlin wall came down to mark that spiritual conquering with a literal waymark. Trump will tear down the symbolic wall of separation of Church and State, and the third Woe will provide a literal waymark of that event. That event will conclude the period of the sealing of the one hundred and forty-four thousand, which began with the arrival of Islam of the third Woe, which provided a literal waymark to identify that the spiritual work of the sealing period had begun. October 7, 2023, provided the middle point of the three literal historical markers of the sealing time of the one hundred and forty-four thousand.

In the midst of that history of the sealing, the sixth president since Ronald Reagan was symbolically politically assassinated by the beast from the bottomless pit. The beast from the bottomless pit at the outset of the sealing time was Islam, representing Mohammed, a symbol of a false prophet. The beast from the bottomless pit at the end of the sealing time is the sea beast of Catholicism, whose deadly wound is then healed. The beast from the bottomless pit that ascends in the middle of the sealing time, is the beast of atheism, the dragon. The dragon beast from the bottomless pit, in the middle of the sealing time slays the two witnesses in Revelation chapter eleven.

The pro-slavery Democratic dragon faction of the US Civil War literally slew the first Republican president. The Civil War officially ended on April 9, 1865, and Lincoln died a week later on the 15th, though he had been shot the day before. The war ended on the seventh-day Sabbath, and Lincoln died on the seventh-day Sabbath.

The globalists who had been awakened (stirred up) against the rich and powerful president, accomplished a political assassination on November 3, 2020. That beast from the bottomless pit represented the dragon beast who symbolically slew the last republican president as typified by the literal death of the first republican president. God’s word identifies that after the world rejoiced over his death, he would stand upon his feet. We are now in 2024, and it is apparent that Trump has come back to life, in spite of all the lawfare, lies, propaganda and money that is being thrown against him.

In the controversy that manifests itself in the United States, and thus prefigures the same controversy in the world, a satanic power from beneath will come up during the time when the power of God as represented by the latter rain is coming down from above.

In the history of September 11, 2001, unto the soon coming Sunday law in the United States, Islam of the third Woe came out of the bottomless pit as smoke, representing the smoke of the burning buildings at the beginning of that history. In 2016, the Communist wokeism of the globalists ascended to kill the two witnesses. Then at the soon coming Sunday law the papacy, who will then become the eighth beast that is of the seven, will ascend to the throne of the earth as its deadly wound is healed.

The beasts that represent the power that comes from beneath, during the time when the latter rain is falling as the power from above, represent a prophetic “Truth.” The first that is to ascend as smoke is Islam of the third Woe, at the time when the first voice of Revelation chapter eighteen sounds, and it ascends when the latter rain begins to be “measured”. The last beast to ascend is the papacy, at the time when the second voice of Revelation chapter eighteen sounds, and it ascends when the latter rain is being poured out without measure.

The first typifies the last, and the beast that ascends in the middle is the beast of atheistic globalism that slayed two witnesses in 2020. One witness was the Protestant horn, and the other was the Republican horn. The rebellion and anarchy associated with the beast of atheism is represented by the thirteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and that beast from the bottomless pit arrived in between the first and last beasts from the bottomless pit, that creates the definition of the Hebrew word “truth”, even if it is a truth identifying the satanic power that comes from beneath during the time when the heavenly power is coming from above.

Three and a half days after the two witnesses were slain a “middle voice” began to sound. It was “the voice of one crying in the wilderness”. That voice was the “ending” of the voice of the messenger that prepares the way for the Messenger of the Covenant, and the beginning of the voice of Elijah, calling men and women to Mount Carmel.

“Brethren and sisters, would that I might say something to awaken you to the importance of this time, the significance of the events that are now taking place. I point you to the aggressive movements now being made for the restriction of religious liberty. God’s sanctified memorial has been torn down, and in its place a false sabbath, bearing no sanctity, stands before the world. And while the powers of darkness are stirring up the elements from beneath, the Lord God of heaven is sending power from above to meet the emergency by arousing His living agencies to exalt the law of heaven. Now, just now, is our time to work in foreign countries. As America, the land of religious liberty, shall unite with the papacy in forcing the conscience and compelling men to honor the false sabbath, the people of every country on the globe will be led to follow her example. Our people are not half awake to do all in their power, with the facilities within their reach, to extend the message of warning.

“The Lord God of heaven will not send upon the world His judgments for disobedience and transgression until He has sent His watchmen to give the warning. He will not close up the period of probation until the message shall be more distinctly proclaimed. The law of God is to be magnified; its claims must be presented in their true, sacred character, that the people may be brought to decide for or against the truth. Yet the work will be cut short in righteousness. The message of Christ’s righteousness is to sound from one end of the earth to the other to prepare the way of the Lord. This is the glory of God, which closes the work of the third angel.” Testimonies, volume 6, 18, 19.


The message that began at the end of July, 2023 is now “distinctly proclaiming,” the “warning,” identifying “the importance of this time, the significance of the events that are now taking place.” It is distinctly identifying “the powers of darkness” who “are stirring up the elements from beneath,” and that “the Lord God of heaven” began “sending power from above” on September 11, 2001. It is “sounding” “the message of Christ’s righteousness” “from one end of the earth to the other.” It is high time to “awaken” “to the importance of this time,” for God is now going to begin to “send upon the world His judgments for disobedience and transgression.”

The line of prophecy represented with 1989 as the time of the end in verse forty, emphasizes the external history, of the internal line of prophecy represented with 1798, as the time of the end in verse forty of Daniel eleven. The prophetic history beginning at 1989 in the verse identifies the three-step process of the healing of papal Rome’s deadly wound. From 1989 until that wound is healed at the soon coming Sunday law represents a specific prophetic period. Verse two of Daniel eleven, adds a second line, by identifying the prophetic role of the presidents of the United States, beginning with Ronald Reagan in 1989. The prophetic period of time that leads to the Sunday law, has a second witness in the thirty years of preparation that was accomplished from 508 to 538, when the papacy took the throne the first time and passed a Sunday law that very year.

Christ was baptized and began His ministry of three and a half years when He was thirty years old. The papacy is a satanic counterfeit of Christ, and the thirty years from 508 to 538, counterfeits the first thirty years of Christ that led to His baptism. His three and a half years ministry were counterfeited by the three and a half prophetic years in which the papacy presented the world with its ministry of death, as a counterfeit of Christ’s ministry of life.

At the end of His ministry He died, rested in the tomb on the seventh day, and then was resurrected. In 1798, at the end of the satanic ministry of the papacy for three and a half prophetic years the papacy received its deadly wound, then it has been forgotten for seventy symbolic years, until it is resurrected as the eighth that is of the seven. Christ was resurrected on the first day of the week, but sequentially the first day is the “eighth” day, and it is “of the seven” days which Christ created. Eight as a number represents “resurrection,” and the papacy gets resurrected, for it is the one kingdom of the kingdoms of Bible prophecy that has been identified as receiving a deadly wound.

Paul identifies that when God brought ancient Israel through the Red Sea, that baptism was symbolically represented.

Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea. 1 Corinthians 10:1, 2.


The rite of baptism for spiritual Israel replaced the rite of circumcision for literal Israel, and circumcision was to take place on the eighth day. Christ was therefore resurrected upon the eighth day, which is of the seven, and when the papacy is resurrected as the eighth which is of the seven, it is the satanic parallel to the Line of Christ. The thirty years of preparation for the papacy to be enthroned, were typified by the thirty years of Christ’s life in preparation for His baptism, His ministry and death. Both of those lines identify a period that leads to the death of the sixth kingdom of Bible prophecy. Both lines represent the last period of the earth beast. In the line of Christ, His birth marked the “time of the end” for that history.

Thus, we have four lines. Verse forty’s time of the end in 1989 until the Sunday law of verse forty-one. Verse two’s presentation of the presidents, and the thirty years of preparation for both Christ and the antichrist. The thirty years of Christ began at the “time of the end” in His line, which was marked by His birth. The time of the end in 1798, was typified by the end of the seventy-year captivity of literal Israel in literal Babylon. Therefore, verse two of Daniel eleven begins with Darius, for Darius began to reign at the fall of Babylon. 1989 is the time of the end in verse forty, and verse two of Daniel eleven is also the time of the end, and the thirty years of Christ’s preparation began at “the time of the end”. Three of these four lines have “the time of the end” easily marked as the beginning waymark.

The two lines of two hundred-and-twenty-years in the movement of the first and the movement of the third angel identify two hundred and twenty as a symbol of the link between humanity and divinity. The beginning of the symbolic link of two hundred and twenty years that began in 1776, led to 1996.

That period was typified by the two hundred and twenty years from 1611 to 1831 in the Millerite history. The period from the Declaration of Independence in 1776 to 1798 when the earth beast took the throne as the sixth kingdom of Bible prophecy, represents the first two of the three waymarks within the two hundred and twenty years that concluded in 1996.

1776 to 1798 represents a period that leads to the empowerment of the sixth kingdom of Bible prophecy, and therefore aligns with the thirty years of preparation of Christ and the antichrist. The period that precedes the empowerment of the earth beast represents the period that precedes the empowerment of the threefold union, which is the eighth beast that is of the seven. The eighth beast, that is of the seven, is the second and last manifestation of the papacy ruling the world. In the first manifestation of the papacy ruling the world there was a thirty-year period of preparation.

Line upon line, the history of 1989 unto the Sunday law; the history of thirty years that led to 538; the history of thirty years that led to Christ’s baptism; the history of verse two of Daniel eleven, beginning with Ronald Reagan to the Sunday law; and the history of 1776 to 1798, are all representing the same history in the last days. It is essential to be clear concerning this fact, for the history beginning in 1776, unto 1798, is the line that brings all the lines together into clarity.

In that line of prophetic history, which is the closing history of the earth beast of Revelation thirteen, there is an internal line that addresses God’s people as represented by the horn of true Protestantism, and there is an external line as represented by the horn of Republicanism. In both horns there is a twofold struggle and controversy that prophecy addresses. We have been identifying the prophetic elements of the dragon, the beast, the false prophet and Islam that are manifested in the history of 1989 to the Sunday law.

The dragon’s prophetic characteristic is that he is the father of lies, he is the murderer, and he is the leader of the secret conspiracies on earth, just as he was in heaven. His religion is spiritualism. He is the champion of what is today called “lawfare,” he is the unholy attorney, the accuser of our brethren, as he was in the heavenly court when he disputed over the obedience and faith of Job, and when he disputed over the body of Moses, and as he further disputed over the work of Christ in removing the filthy garments off of Joshua in Zechariah chapter three. He is the one who rules the kingdoms, and the one who lifts himself up as God.

The beast’s religion is Catholicism, and she is the woman that deceives the world through traditions and customs which she leads her followers to believe are to be obeyed above the Word of God. She deceives the world through her sorceries, which in Revelation chapter eighteen verse twenty-three, is the Greek word pharmakeia, meaning “medications”. She is the one who commits fornication with the kings of the earth. She is the counterfeit of the One who was dead, but lives again. She is the one that is forgotten and then remembered, and she is the eighth that is of the seven. She is the beast which the United States forms an image of and an image to.

The false prophet is apostate Protestantism, who presumes to be something which the word of God denies, and because of its denial of the word of God, it lacks the power provided by the word of God. Without the power of the word of God, a church or a people who still presumptuously claim to be God’s people, are logically forced to lean upon civil power to pretend that they are accomplishing God’s work. Apostate Protestantism is the prophets of Baal and Ashtaroth who provide the deceptive dance for Jezebel and Herodias, and the are Salome, the daughter of Herodias.

These three powers come together into a threefold union, but they actually really hate each other. Without understanding the fact that they are in controversy with each other it is impossible to understand how the ten kings (the United Nations), would agree to give their kingdom to the papacy, and in the same chapter eat her flesh and burn her with fire. The controversy between these powers is to be taught to God’s students of prophecy.

Islam is the Seventh Trumpet, and as the Third Woe it is the tool of judgment that God employs to bring judgment upon Modern Babylon, as the first four Trumpets brought judgment upon western pagan Rome and as the fifth and sixth Trumpets brought judgment on papal and eastern pagan Rome

We will continue this study in the next article.

“In these times of special interest, the guardians of the flock of God should teach the people that the spiritual powers are in controversy. It is not human beings that are creating such intensity of feeling as now exists in the religious world. A power from Satan’s spiritual synagogue is infusing the religious elements of the world, arousing men to decided action to press the advantages Satan has gained, by leading the religious world in determined warfare against those who make the word of God their guide and the sole foundation of doctrine. Satan’s masterly efforts are now put forth to gather in every principle and every power that he can employ to controvert the binding claims of the law of Jehovah, especially the fourth commandment, that defines who is the Creator of the heavens and the earth.

“The man of sin has thought to change times and laws; but has he done it? This is the great issue. Rome and all the churches that have drunk of her cup of iniquity, in thinking to change times and laws, have exalted themselves above God, and torn down God’s great memorial, the seventh-day Sabbath. The Sabbath was to stand representing God’s power in his creation of the world in six days, and his resting upon the seventh day. ‘Wherefore he blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it,’ because that in it he had rested from all his works which God created and made. The object of the masterly working of the great deceiver has been to supersede God. In his efforts to change times and laws, he has been working to maintain a power in opposition to God, and above him.

“Here is the great issue. Here are the two great powers confronting each other,—the Prince of God, Jesus Christ; and the prince of darkness, Satan. Here comes the open conflict. There are but two classes in the world, and every human being will range under one of these two banners,—the banner of the prince of darkness, or the banner of Jesus Christ.

“God will inspire his loyal and true children with his Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the representative of God, and will be the mighty working agent in our world to bind the loyal and true into bundles for the Lord’s garner. Satan is also with intense activity gathering together in bundles his tares from among the wheat.

“The teaching of every true ambassador for Christ is a most solemn, serious matter now. We are engaged in a warfare which will never close until the final decision is made for all eternity. Let every disciple of Jesus be reminded that we ‘wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.’ O, there are eternal interests involved in this conflict, and there must be no surface work, no cheap experience, to meet this issue. ‘The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished…. Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord.’” General Conference Daily Bulletin, March 4, 1895.

2 comments on “The Book of Daniel – Number One Hundred Thirty”

  1. Estes 3 poderes vão com tudo para ganhar esta guerra, mas graça a Jesus que vai derrotar este poderes que nossas escolhas esteja do lado certo.

  2. Patrick Rampy

    Many parallels between 1776, Lincoln, Reagan, Trump, 1989, 9/11, Islam, pharmakeia, the “8th which is of the 7”, “lawfare”, the Latter Rain, Sunday law, and the 144,000~!

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